Investigating GNSS PPP–RTK with external ionospheric constraints
Abstract Real-Time Kinematic Precise Point Positioning (PPP–RTK) is inextricably linked to
external ionospheric information. The PPP–RTK performances vary much with the accuracy …
external ionospheric information. The PPP–RTK performances vary much with the accuracy …
Travelling ionospheric disturbances detection: A statistical study of detrending techniques, induced period error and near real-time observables
Due to advances in remote sensing of the Earth's Ionosphere through Total Electron Content
(TEC) estimates by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, it is possible to …
(TEC) estimates by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, it is possible to …
Near-real-time detection of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances using machine learning
Tsunamis generated by large earthquake-induced displacements of the ocean floor can
lead to tragic consequences for coastal communities. Measurements of co-seismic …
lead to tragic consequences for coastal communities. Measurements of co-seismic …
Multi-instrument detection in Europe of ionospheric disturbances caused by the 15 January 2022 eruption of the Hunga volcano
The 15 January 2022 eruption of the Hunga volcano provides a unique opportunity to study
the reaction of the ionosphere to large explosive events. In particular, this event allows us to …
the reaction of the ionosphere to large explosive events. In particular, this event allows us to …
Ionospheric corrections tailored to Galileo HAS: validation with single-epoch navigation
The Galileo high accuracy service (HAS) is a new capability of the European global
navigation satellite system, currently providing satellite orbit and clock corrections and …
navigation satellite system, currently providing satellite orbit and clock corrections and …
Ionosphere variability I: Advances in observational, monitoring and detection capabilities
The paper aims to review recent advances regarding the observational and monitoring
capabilities of the ionization conditions in the Earth's upper atmosphere. The analysis spans …
capabilities of the ionization conditions in the Earth's upper atmosphere. The analysis spans …
Improving ionospheric predictability requires accurate simulation of the mesospheric polar vortex
The mesospheric polar vortex (MPV) plays a critical role in coupling the atmosphere-
ionosphere system, so its accurate simulation is imperative for robust predictions of the …
ionosphere system, so its accurate simulation is imperative for robust predictions of the …
[HTML][HTML] A new index for statistical analyses and prediction of travelling ionospheric disturbances
Abstract Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) are signatures of atmospheric gravity
waves (AGWs) observed in changes in the electron density. The analysis of TIDs is relevant …
waves (AGWs) observed in changes in the electron density. The analysis of TIDs is relevant …
Ionosphere variability II: Advances in theory and modeling
This paper aims to provide an overview on recent advances in ionospheric modeling
capabilities, with the emphasis in the efforts relevant to electron density variability. The …
capabilities, with the emphasis in the efforts relevant to electron density variability. The …
[HTML][HTML] Space weather impact on radio communication and navigation
It is well known that space weather can cause significant disruptions to modern
communications and navigation systems, leading to increased safety risks, economic losses …
communications and navigation systems, leading to increased safety risks, economic losses …