Designing a hybrid system dynamic model for analyzing the impact of strategic alignment on project portfolio selection
FH Rad, SM Rowzan - Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2018 - Elsevier
One of the key challenges in project organizations is the alignment of portfolio management
with major corporate strategies. Usually, project-based organizations use shared resources …
with major corporate strategies. Usually, project-based organizations use shared resources …
Managing information complexity using system dynamics on construction projects
The increase in e-commerce, the digitisation of design data and the interchange and sharing
of information have made the construction sector more reliant upon IT infrastructure and …
of information have made the construction sector more reliant upon IT infrastructure and …
Collaborative interorganizational relationships in a project-based industry
A Khouja, N Lehoux, Y Cimon, C Cloutier - Buildings, 2021 -
The project-based construction industry finds itself in a paradoxical situation: while it weighs
heavily in the world economy, it does have a history of low productivity. One important issue …
heavily in the world economy, it does have a history of low productivity. One important issue …
[PDF][PDF] The economics of cloud-based computing technologies in construction project delivery
The construction industry is a very traditional sector, albeit one that is embracing new
technology faster now than at any time in its past. The purpose of the research is to assess …
technology faster now than at any time in its past. The purpose of the research is to assess …
[HTML][HTML] Leveraging quantity surveying data and BIM to automate mechanical and electrical (M & E) construction planning
Despite the great potential of LPS and BIM to improve construction project productivity, the
full integration of these modern production and information management systems at the data …
full integration of these modern production and information management systems at the data …
A fuzzy-based competitiveness assessment tool for construction SMEs
A Khouja, N Lehoux, Y Cimon - Benchmarking: An International …, 2023 -
Purpose In highly competitive industries such as the construction sector, companies with
limited capabilities struggle to maintain their current standing, let alone acquire more market …
limited capabilities struggle to maintain their current standing, let alone acquire more market …
Assessment of the linkages and leakages in a cloud-based computing collaboration among construction stakeholders
The uniqueness of the construction industry can be understood in the large volumes of
information in terms of paper works, processes, and communication disseminated daily. The …
information in terms of paper works, processes, and communication disseminated daily. The …
Towards a Generalized Value Stream Map** and Domain Ontology to Support the Enabling of Industry 4.0 in Construction
M Abdelghani - 2021 -
Construction projects have temporary fragmented supply chains that face many challenges,
such as lack of trust, inadequate knowledge management, and poor communication. These …
such as lack of trust, inadequate knowledge management, and poor communication. These …
An approach for the development and implementation of systems in complex business contexts through methodology tailoring
SM Johnson - 2017 -
Abstract Systems utilised in complex business contexts commonly need to be well integrated
within the business in which they operate. There is a risk of poor acceptance, adoption, and …
within the business in which they operate. There is a risk of poor acceptance, adoption, and …
[SITAT][C] Une approche multiperspective pour améliorer l'avantage compétitif: cas de l'industrie de la construction
A Khouja - 2023