Impact of fine sediment on egg-to-fry survival of Pacific salmon: a meta-analysis of published studies
Egg-to-fry survival of salmonids is tempered by habitat degradation, including increased
sediment in streams. To best manage multiple salmon species and prioritize scarce habitat …
sediment in streams. To best manage multiple salmon species and prioritize scarce habitat …
Systematic planning for river rehabilitation: integrating multiple ecological and economic objectives in complex decisions
Owing to intensive human use, freshwaters are among the most seriously threatened and
modified environments on the planet. Their poor condition and the risk to services that …
modified environments on the planet. Their poor condition and the risk to services that …
Identifying the potential of anadromous salmonid habitat restoration with life cycle models
An investigation into the causes of species decline should include examination of habitats
important for multiple life stages. Integrating habitat impacts across life stages with life-cycle …
important for multiple life stages. Integrating habitat impacts across life stages with life-cycle …
Estimating changes in coho salmon and steelhead abundance from watershed restoration: how much restoration is needed to measurably increase smolt production?
Using existing data from evaluations of habitat restoration, we estimated the average
change in coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and steelhead O. mykiss parr and smolt …
change in coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and steelhead O. mykiss parr and smolt …
A large scale multi criteria suitability analysis for identifying solar development potential: A decision support approach for the state of Illinois, USA
Abstract The State of Illinois is examining prospects to increase the development of in-state
renewable energy resources on public lands. In response, this research develops a scalable …
renewable energy resources on public lands. In response, this research develops a scalable …
A comprehensive approach for habitat restoration in the Columbia Basin
The Columbia Basin once supported a diversity of native fishes and large runs of
anadromous salmonids that sustained substantial fisheries and cultural values. Extensive …
anadromous salmonids that sustained substantial fisheries and cultural values. Extensive …
How to make river assessments comparable: A demonstration for hydromorphology
River monitoring and assessment programs are important tools to quantify the condition of
river ecosystems, identify deficits, and provide preliminary indication of how to improve them …
river ecosystems, identify deficits, and provide preliminary indication of how to improve them …
Are we meeting the challenges of landscape-scale riverine research? A review
Identifying and quantifying relationships among landscape patterns, anthropogenic
disturbances, and aquatic ecosystems is a new and rapidly develo** approach to riverine …
disturbances, and aquatic ecosystems is a new and rapidly develo** approach to riverine …
Linking climate change projections for an Alaskan watershed to future coho salmon production
Climate change is predicted to dramatically change hydrologic processes across Alaska, but
estimates of how these impacts will influence specific watersheds and aquatic species are …
estimates of how these impacts will influence specific watersheds and aquatic species are …
Dealing with uncertainty in ecosystem models: lessons from a complex salmon model
Ecosystem models have been developed for assessment and management in a wide variety
of environments. As model complexity increases, it becomes more difficult to trace how …
of environments. As model complexity increases, it becomes more difficult to trace how …