Recent developments of energy management strategies in microgrids: An updated and comprehensive review and classification
Energy is one of the essential foundations for the sustainable development of human
society, so its management is necessary. Energy management system (EMS) can be …
society, so its management is necessary. Energy management system (EMS) can be …
[HTML][HTML] Smart home energy management systems: Research challenges and survey
Electricity is establishing ground as a means of energy, and its proportion will continue to
rise in the next generations. Home energy usage is expected to increase by more than 40 …
rise in the next generations. Home energy usage is expected to increase by more than 40 …
Energy management in microgrids including smart homes: A multi-objective approach
With the penetration of smart homes in distribution systems, and due to the effect of their
schedulable load on reducing the peak load of the network as well as their comfort index …
schedulable load on reducing the peak load of the network as well as their comfort index …
Multi-objective scheduling of IoT-enabled smart homes for energy management based on Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm: A Node-RED and NodeMCU module …
The home energy management system (HEMS) based on advanced internet of things (IoT)
technology has attracted the special attention of engineers in the field of smart grid (SG) …
technology has attracted the special attention of engineers in the field of smart grid (SG) …
Closed-loop home energy management system with renewable energy sources in a smart grid: A comprehensive review
Nowadays, energy plays a prominent role in all aspects of our life. So far, unclean and non-
renewable energy, which has severe economic and environmental impacts, dominant the …
renewable energy, which has severe economic and environmental impacts, dominant the …
A modified reverse-based analysis logic mining model with weighted random 2 satisfiability logic in discrete hopfield neural network and multi-objective training of …
Over the years, the study on logic mining approach has increased exponentially. However,
most logic mining models disregarded any efforts in expanding the search space which led …
most logic mining models disregarded any efforts in expanding the search space which led …
[HTML][HTML] Exploiting IoT and its enabled technologies for irrigation needs in agriculture
The increase in population growth and demand is rapidly depleting natural resources.
Irrigation plays a vital role in the productivity and growth of agriculture, consuming no less …
Irrigation plays a vital role in the productivity and growth of agriculture, consuming no less …
Optimal energy management system for residential buildings considering the time of use price with swarm intelligence algorithms
Revolutions in human activities and lifestyles result in a transition from conventional to
intelligent residential building infrastructure. Conventional heating, ventilation, and air …
intelligent residential building infrastructure. Conventional heating, ventilation, and air …
A machine-learning ensemble model for predicting energy consumption in smart homes
Smart homes incorporate several devices that automate tasks and make our lives easy.
These devices can be useful for many things, like security access, lighting, temperature, etc …
These devices can be useful for many things, like security access, lighting, temperature, etc …
Demand response program for efficient demand-side management in smart grid considering renewable energy sources
A smart energy management controller can improve energy efficiency, save energy costs,
and reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption while accurately catering to …
and reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption while accurately catering to …