Influence of functional groups on low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels
Ongoing progress in synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, and catalysis continues to
produce a diverse array of advanced biofuels with complex molecular structure and …
produce a diverse array of advanced biofuels with complex molecular structure and …
Insights into the role of the H-abstraction reaction kinetics of amines in understanding their degeneration fates under atmospheric and combustion conditions
Y Shang, SN Luo - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Amines, a class of prototypical volatile organic compounds, have garnered considerable
interest within the context of atmospheric and combustion chemistry due to their substantial …
interest within the context of atmospheric and combustion chemistry due to their substantial …
Identification of torsional modes in complex molecules using redundant internal coordinates: The multistructural method with torsional anharmonicity with a coupled …
Identification of internal-rotation modes in the normal-mode analysis of complex molecules
is important for accurately describing the thermodynamic properties and kinetics of complex …
is important for accurately describing the thermodynamic properties and kinetics of complex …
Bootstrap embedding for large molecular systems
Recent developments in quantum embedding theories have provided attractive approaches
to correlated calculations for large systems. In this work, we extend our previous work [J …
to correlated calculations for large systems. In this work, we extend our previous work [J …
Computational Protocol to Calculate the Phosphorescence Energy of Pt (II) Complexes: Is the lowest triplet excited state always Involved in emission? a …
The reliable calculation of phosphorescence energies of phosphor materials is at the core of
designing efficient phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PhOLEDs). Therefore, it is …
designing efficient phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PhOLEDs). Therefore, it is …
Ignition characteristics of 1-Nitropropane: Experimental measurements and kinetic modeling
nitropropane (1-NP), a potential advanced propellant and a fuel additive, is considered as a
suitable surrogate for understanding the combustion properties of nitro-alkanes. Here, the …
suitable surrogate for understanding the combustion properties of nitro-alkanes. Here, the …
Theoretical and experimental study of 3-pentanol autoignition: Ab initio calculation, shock tube experiments, and kinetic modeling
3-Pentanol is a potential alternative fuel or a green fuel additive for modern engines. The H-
abstraction reactions from 3-pentanol by H, CH3, HO2, and OH radicals are significant in the …
abstraction reactions from 3-pentanol by H, CH3, HO2, and OH radicals are significant in the …
A DLPNO‐CCSD (T) benchmarking study of intermolecular interactions of ionic liquids
The accuracy of correlation energy recovered by coupled cluster single‐, double‐, and
perturbative triple‐excitations, CCSD (T), has led to the method being considered the gold …
perturbative triple‐excitations, CCSD (T), has led to the method being considered the gold …
Theoretical study on reaction kinetics of the absent HO2 concerted addition reaction on ester group of methyl esters: Case studies of methyl formate and methyl …
In this work, a comprehensive study is performed to specify the contributions of H-
abstraction, addition and addition-dissociation reactions of methyl esters+ HO 2, particularly …
abstraction, addition and addition-dissociation reactions of methyl esters+ HO 2, particularly …
Experimental and kinetic studies on autoignition characteristics of ammonia/methyl 3-hexenoate mixture
Biodiesel is a renewable and promising alternative to diesel with similar physicochemical
properties. To explore the feasibility of biodiesel in improving the combustion performance of …
properties. To explore the feasibility of biodiesel in improving the combustion performance of …