Deepwater fold and thrust belt classification, tectonics, structure and hydrocarbon prospectivity: A review

CK Morley, R King, R Hillis, M Tingay, G Backe - Earth-Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Deepwater fold and thrust belts (DWFTBs) are classified into near-field stress-driven Type 1
systems confined to the sedimentary section, and Type 2 systems deformed by either far …

Review of major shale-dominated detachment and thrust characteristics in the diagenetic zone: Part II, rock mechanics and microscopic scale

CK Morley, C von Hagke, R Hansberry, A Collins… - Earth-Science …, 2018 - Elsevier
Characterising large shale thrust zone behaviour down to the diagenetic-metamorphic
boundary is both simple and complex. The task in critical taper, analogue and numerical …

[KÖNYV][B] Remote sensing for geoscientists

GL Prost - 2013 -
Remote Sensing for Geoscientists Page 1 REMOTE SENSING FOR GEOSCIENTISTS

Preliminary results based on geochemical sedimentary constraints on the hydrocarbon potential and depositional environment of a Messinian sub-salt mixed …

G Kontakiotis, V Karakitsios, JJ Cornée… - Mediterranean …, 2020 - Springer
This study details new geochemical analysis from an outcrop in Crete to improve
understanding of the hydrocarbon potential of the southern margin of the Hellenic Arc along …

Deep crustal structure and tectonic origin of the Tobago-Barbados ridge

S Gomez, D Bird, P Mann - Interpretation, 2018 -
The north–south-trending Tobago-Barbados ridge (TBR) extends 250 km from its southern
end at the island of Tobago to its northern end at the island of Barbados. On Tobago …

Clastic domains of sandstones in central/eastern Venezuela, Trinidad, and Barbados: heavy mineral and tectonic constraints on provenance and palaeogeography

JL Pindell, L Kennan, D Wright, J Erikson - 2009 -
Current models for the tectonic evolution of northeastern South America invoke a
Palaeogene phase of inter-American convergence, followed by diachronous dextral oblique …

Tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins around the arcuate southeastern margin of the Caribbean plate

TG Alvarez, P Mann, LJ Wood - 2021 -
The Trinidad region of the southeastern Caribbean is a tectonically complex subduction-to-
strike-slip plate boundary transition where distinct changes in the style, size, and orientation …

Chapter 9 Petroleum geology of the Rakhine region, Myanmar

A Racey, MF Ridd - Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 2015 -
Rakhine (formerly Arakan) is the name of the Myanmar state that extends almost the whole
length of the Bay of Bengal coast from the Bangladesh border south to about latitude …

The southeastern caribbean subduction to strikeslip transition zone: a study of the effects on lithospheric structures and overlying clastic basin evolution and fill

TG Alvarez - 2014 -
The formation and evolution of sedimentary basins are best understood within the context of
prevailing tectonic conditions. This dissertation presents an integrated geologic and …

Stratigraphy, palaeoenyironmental interpretation and uplift history of Barbados based on foraminiferal and other palaeontological evidence

RW Jones - Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2009 -
The ages and environments of deposition of the principal mapped units of Barbados, based
on foraminiferal and other palaeontological evidence, are discussed, together with the uplift …