In-air knotting of rope using dual-arm robot based on deep learning

K Suzuki, M Kanamura, Y Suga… - 2021 IEEE/RSJ …, 2021 -
In this study, we report the successful execution of in-air knotting of rope using a dual-arm
two-finger robot based on deep learning. Owing to its flexibility, the state of the rope was in …

Deep predictive learning: Motion learning concept inspired by cognitive robotics

K Suzuki, H Ito, T Yamada, K Kase, T Ogata - ar** by visual servoing in a low-rigidity robot. It is
difficult for a low-rigidity robot to handle its own body as intended compared to a rigid robot …


鈴木彼方, 伊藤洋, 山田竜郎, 加瀬敬唯… - 日本ロボット学会誌, 2022 -
深層学習を用いたロボット動作学習に関する研究が**年盛んに取り組まれている [1][2].
大規模なデータや大量の試行に基づいて個々のタスク精度の向上が見られる一方 …

[PDF][PDF] An Educational Test Rig for Kinesthetic Learning of Mechanisms for Underactuated Robotic Hands. Robotics 2022, 11, 115

GM Achilli, S Logozzo, MC Valigi - 2022 -
Teaching robotics requires interdisciplinary skills and a good creativity, providing
instructions and hands-on experiences, exploiting different kinds of learning. Two kinds of …

「手を挙げてみた」 から始まった TUM 留学体験記

鈴木彼方 - 日本ロボット学会誌, 2022 -
私は修士 1 年生時に, ドイツのミュンヘン工科大学 (TUM) に留学し, Gordon Cheng
先生が主宰する Institute for Cognitive Systems (ICS) で, 深層学習を用いたロボット動作学習 …