Large-eddy simulation of a supersonic inlet-isolator
H Koo, V Raman - AIAA journal, 2012 - arc.aiaa.org
SUPERSONIC combustion ramjet engines are vital for the realization of hypersonic flight.
Scramjets are relatively simple in design compared to conventional low-speed jet engines …
Scramjets are relatively simple in design compared to conventional low-speed jet engines …
Large-eddy/Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulation of a supersonic reacting wall jet
JR Edwards, JA Boles, RA Baurle - Combustion and Flame, 2012 - Elsevier
This work presents results from large-eddy/Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (LES/RANS)
simulations of the well-known Burrows–Kurkov supersonic reacting wall-jet experiment …
simulations of the well-known Burrows–Kurkov supersonic reacting wall-jet experiment …
Large-eddy simulations of scramjet engines
H Koo - 2011 - repositories.lib.utexas.edu
Copyright by Heeseok Koo 2011 Page 1 Copyright by Heeseok Koo 2011 Page 2 The
Dissertation Committee for Heeseok Koo certifies that this is the approved version of the following …
Dissertation Committee for Heeseok Koo certifies that this is the approved version of the following …
Detection and transient dynamics modeling of experimental hypersonic inlet unstart
Inlet unstart is a change in flow condition that can occur during supersonic or hypersonic
flight and is often harmful because it causes a significant reduction in mass flow to the inlet …
flight and is often harmful because it causes a significant reduction in mass flow to the inlet …
Numerical simulation of liquid kerosene combustion in a dual-mode scramjet combustor using flamelet/progress variable approach
J Niu, Y Piao - 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2016 - arc.aiaa.org
A turbulent combustion modeling method combining the SST k-ω turbulence model and the
flamelet/progress variable (FPV) model is developed and then applied in the investigation of …
flamelet/progress variable (FPV) model is developed and then applied in the investigation of …