Fishing tourism as an opportunity for sustainable rural development—The case of Galicia, Spain
The functional diversification of coastal fishing communities has been a central objective of
the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) since the early stages of its implementation. A large part …
the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) since the early stages of its implementation. A large part …
Geographical indications and upgrading of small-scale producers in global agro-food chains: A case study of the Makó Onion Protected Designation of Origin
In the context of the marginalising effects of agro-food chain dynamics on upstream
suppliers, this paper examines the extent to which geographical indications may improve the …
suppliers, this paper examines the extent to which geographical indications may improve the …
Local communities empowered to plan? Applying PAR to establish democratic communicative spaces for sustainable rural development
B Bodorkós, G Pataki - Action Research, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
This article presents the second cycle of an ongoing participatory action research (PAR)
project that aimed at facilitating bottom-up, sustainability planning and development in one …
project that aimed at facilitating bottom-up, sustainability planning and development in one …
[CARTE][B] Türkiye'de kırsal alan yönetimi
S Kayıkçı - 2009 - search.proquest.com
Bu tez çalışması ile Türkiye'de kırsal alan yönetiminin ve kırsal kalkınma politikasının gelişim
seyri ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de, özellikle 2000'li yıllar sonrası, kırsal …
seyri ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de, özellikle 2000'li yıllar sonrası, kırsal …
Local development stakeholders and the European model: Learning the LEADER approach in the new member states
MC Maurel - Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 2008 - ceeol.com
The introduction of a new model of territorial development based on a bottom-up approach
appears to be an entirely new process in the formerly communist countries of Central …
appears to be an entirely new process in the formerly communist countries of Central …
[PDF][PDF] Local action groups and the LEADER co-financing of rural development projects in Slovenia.
A Volk, Š Bojnec - Agricultural Economics/Zemědělská Ekonomika, 2014 - researchgate.net
The influence of a formal and informal system of the Local Action Group (LAG) board's
performance on the perception of its members is analysed in association with the suitability …
performance on the perception of its members is analysed in association with the suitability …
Catching up with the West? Europeanisation of rural policies in Hungary and Poland
A Augustyn, G Nemes - Studies in Agricultural Economics, 2014 - repo.aki.gov.hu
This paper presents a comparative perspective on Europeanisation of rural policies in
Poland and Hungary. We focus on developments in these two countries in the last decade …
Poland and Hungary. We focus on developments in these two countries in the last decade …
Twenty years of EU accession: learning lessons from Central and Eastern European agriculture and rural areas
Twenty years have passed since the first eastern enlargements of the European Union (EU).
This paper assesses the impacts of EU accession on agriculture and rural regions of Central …
This paper assesses the impacts of EU accession on agriculture and rural regions of Central …
The role of tourism in rural development through a comparative analysis of a Greek and a Hungarian rural tourism area
A Fotiadis - 2009 - search.proquest.com
The rural regions occupy a largely extended part of the European Union and they are
characterized as vital for economic growth and social cohesion. Agriculture and forestry …
characterized as vital for economic growth and social cohesion. Agriculture and forestry …
L'expérimentation de l'approche LEADER en Hongrie et en République tchèque: deux logiques politiques différentes
L'initiative communautaire LEADER I (1990-1993), reconduite sous la forme du programme
LEADER II (1995-1999), a été renouvelée à partir de 2000, sous la dénomination …
LEADER II (1995-1999), a été renouvelée à partir de 2000, sous la dénomination …