Nonlinear dynamics of a flow-focusing bubble generator: An inverted drip** faucet

P Garstecki, MJ Fuerstman, GM Whitesides - Physical review letters, 2005‏ - APS
We describe the rich dynamic behavior—including period-doubling and period-halving
bifurcations, intermittency, and chaos—observed in the breakup of an inviscid fluid in a …

Experimental investigation on the bubble formation from needles with and without liquid co-flow

C Muilwijk, HEA Van den Akker - Chemical Engineering Science, 2019‏ - Elsevier
We report experiments on bubble formation from needles with and without liquid co-flow,
carried out with needles in the range of 0.79< dn< 2.06 mm, for gas flow rates up to 4.5 cm …

Gas bubble dynamics—experiment and fractal analysis

JT Cieslinski, R Mosdorf - International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2005‏ - Elsevier
In the paper, nonlinear features of the air bubbling from a submerged glass nozzles are
discussed. The air bubbles were emitted from glass nozzles of different diameters …

[PDF][PDF] Formation of bubbles and droplets in microfluidic systems

P Garstecki, AM Gańán-Calvo… - Bulletin of the Polish …, 2005‏ -
This mini-review reports the recent advances in the hydrodynamic techniques for formation
of bubbles of gas in liquid in microfluidic systems. Systems comprising ducts that have …

Observing dynamical systems using magneto-controlled diffraction

A Tufaile, TA Vanderelli, M Snyder, APB Tufaile - Condensed Matter, 2019‏ -
Observing the light passing through a thin layer of ferrofluid, we can see the occurrence of
interesting effects, both in the formation patterns within the ferrofluid layer and in the …

Experimental investigations of deterministic chaos appearance in bubbling flow

R Mosdorf, T Wyszkowski - International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2011‏ - Elsevier
In the experiment, bubbles were generated from the brass nozzle with the inner diameter of
1.1 mm submerged in the glass tank (400× 400× 700mm) filled with distillated water …

The circle map dynamics in air bubble formation

A Tufaile, JC Sartorelli - Physics Letters A, 2001‏ - Elsevier
We studied the air bubbles formation in a submerged nozzle in a water/glycerol solution
inside a cylindrical tube, submitted to a sound wave perturbation, whose amplitude is a …

Period adding cascades: Experiment and modeling in air bubbling

F Augusto Cardoso Pereira, E Colli… - … Journal of Nonlinear …, 2012‏ -
Period adding cascades have been observed experimentally/numerically in the dynamics of
neurons and pancreatic cells, lasers, electric circuits, chemical reactions, oceanic internal …

Bubbles' rising dynamics in polymeric solutions

HZ Li, X Frank, D Funfschilling, P Diard - Physics Letters A, 2004‏ - Elsevier
The dynamics of a chain of bubbles rising in polymeric solutions was investigated by
stimulus-response simulation, birefringence and particle image velocimetry. Two aspects …

Bifurcation analysis of bubble dynamics in fluidized beds

P Blomgren, A Palacios, B Zhu, S Daw… - … Journal of Nonlinear …, 2007‏ -
We use a low-dimensional, agent-based bubble model to study the changes in the global
dynamics of fluidized beds in response to changes in the frequency of the rising bubbles …