Assessment of knowledge integration in student learning of momentum

W Xu, Q Liu, K Koenig, J Fritchman, J Han, S Pan… - Physical Review Physics …, 2020 - APS
Momentum is a foundational concept in physics. Although it is often taught in introductory
mechanics courses, there are a limited number of studies on this topic in the literature. The …

[PDF][PDF] Critical thinking in physics: Momentum critical thinking test for pre-service teacher

RA Negoro, A Rusilowati, MP Aji… - … Pendidikan Fisika Al …, 2020 -
The debate in the making of critical thinking evaluation tests among researchers and
practitioners still exists. Problems come from definition and aspects segmentation which …

Conceptual framework based instruction for promoting knowledge integration in learning momentum

W Xu, Y Jiang, L Yang, L Bao - Physical Review Physics Education Research, 2023 - APS
Achieving knowledge integration for deep learning requires students to develop well-
connected knowledge structures through the central idea of a concept. However, a number …

Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment of Students' Responses: An Example from Energy and Momentum Concepts.

BG Dega - European Journal of Physics Education, 2019 - ERIC
Students' responses to energy & momentum (EM) concepts were investigated. EM concepts
are fundamental and crosscutting in physics. A standardized Energy and Momentum …

Ortaokul öğrencilerinin kuvvetin ölçülmesi ve sürtünme ünitesine yönelik alternatif fikirlerinin incelenmesi: Skor analizi

MK Yüzbaşıoğlu, MA Kurnaz - Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim …, 2022 -
Araştırmada ortaokul öğrencilerinin kuvvetin ölçülmesi ve sürtünme ünitesine yönelik
alternatif fikirlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın doğasına uygun olarak durum …

Analysis of the Responses of Science Teacher Candidates to Force Concept Inventory by Concentration Factor.

EE Cavik, MA Kurnaz - Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2019 - ERIC
This study aims to obtain information about the modelling situations related to the topic by
performing concentration analysis of teacher candidates' responses to Force Concept …

Investigation of prospective science teachers' answers to multiple choice questions about star: analysis wrong answers as well as Corrects

EE Çevik, MA Kurnaz - IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2022 -
The aim of the research is to obtain information about the modeling status of the related
science subject by making a concentration analysis of the answers given by the prospective …

Develo** Conceptual Understanding through Diagrams: Year 7 Students' Learning of Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

S Tenzin - 2024 -
This study investigated the challenges and opportunities presented to students while
drawing conceptual diagrams, through the lens of social constructivist perspectives …

[PDF][PDF] Promoting mathematical thinking in physics: some theoretical explorations in mechanics and their use in conceptual learning

BR Widjaja - 2020 -

Perception and trends in assessment of students' learning in Physics courses

K Tadele, B Sitotaw - Latin-American Journal of Physics …, 2018 -
The decline in education quality, as it is measured based on the objectives and goals it
intended to achieve which are set by the experts and policy makers, becomes a global …