Comparison of influence of Thai and Japanese cultures on reasoning in social communication using simulated crowds
Difficulties living in unfamiliar cultures are caused by differences in patterns of thinking,
points of view, and physical action styles. Learning to understand these different styles is …
points of view, and physical action styles. Learning to understand these different styles is …
Synthetic evidential study for deepening inside their heart
T Ookaki, M Abe, M Yoshino, Y Ohmoto… - Current Approaches in …, 2015 - Springer
Synthetic evidential study (SES) is a novel technology-enhanced methodology that
combines dramatic role play and group discussion to help people learn by spinning stories …
combines dramatic role play and group discussion to help people learn by spinning stories …
Learning communication from first-and third-person POVs: how perceptual differences influence the interpretation of conversations whilst waiting
The difficulties and social anxiety associated with living in unfamiliar places are often
caused by different patterns of thinking, points of view (POVs) and physical styles. Learning …
caused by different patterns of thinking, points of view (POVs) and physical styles. Learning …
Fairness in culturally dependent waiting behavior: Cultural influences on social communication in simulated crowds
Difficulties in living in unfamiliar cultures are caused by differences in the patterns of
thinking, points of view, and styles of physical action. In this paper, we present our findings …
thinking, points of view, and styles of physical action. In this paper, we present our findings …
[PDF][PDF] Contrastive Analysis of Point of View Effects in Culture-Dependent Social Cognition
S THOVUTTIKUL - 2019 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Social cognition plays a key role in communication. This study investigates how social
cognition is influenced by cultural background and perception, point of view (POV) in …
cognition is influenced by cultural background and perception, point of view (POV) in …
Using First-and Third-person POV to Bridge Cultural Misunderstandings in Cognitive Learning System of Different Cultural Communication in Simulated Crowd
S Thovuttikul, Y Ohmoto… - 2019 IEEE 18th …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Learning about cultural differences between individuals is a challenging topic because
people from many different countries have to work, live, and communicate together, but …
people from many different countries have to work, live, and communicate together, but …
[PDF][PDF] The Effect of First-and Third-person POVs on Different Cultural Communication: How Japanese People Understand Social Conversation at Thai Night Flea …
Social and communication in culturally different condition is a challenging topic because
people from many countries have to live, and communicate together with their own …
people from many countries have to live, and communicate together with their own …
Towards Conversation Envisioning for Cognitive Robots
This chapter proposes a new conceptual framework for visualizing conversational
interactions to build a common ground for productive human-robot interaction. We address …
interactions to build a common ground for productive human-robot interaction. We address …
Conversational informatics: Toward cultivating wisdom from conversational interaction
T Nishida - Procedia Computer Science, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, I present a data-intensive approach to conversational informatics. It not only
brings about quantitative understanding, permitting us to turn a great accumulation of keen …
brings about quantitative understanding, permitting us to turn a great accumulation of keen …
大柿高志, 阿部将和, 大本義**… - 第 77 回全国大会講演論文 …, 2015 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 構成的考証法とは, 人々が断片的な考えや証拠を持ち寄ってストーリーを形成するのを
助けるために, 演劇ロールプレイとディスカッションを組み合わせた独自の方法論である …
助けるために, 演劇ロールプレイとディスカッションを組み合わせた独自の方法論である …