The Handicap Principle: how an erroneous hypothesis became a scientific principle
The most widely cited explanation for the evolution of reliable signals is Zahavi's so‐called
Handicap Principle, which proposes that signals are honest because they are costly to …
Handicap Principle, which proposes that signals are honest because they are costly to …
Fake news on the internet: a literature review, synthesis and directions for future research
Purpose The extensive distribution of fake news on the internet (FNI) has significantly
affected many lives. Although numerous studies have recently been conducted on this topic …
affected many lives. Although numerous studies have recently been conducted on this topic …
Simulation intelligence: Towards a new generation of scientific methods
The original" Seven Motifs" set forth a roadmap of essential methods for the field of scientific
computing, where a motif is an algorithmic method that captures a pattern of computation …
computing, where a motif is an algorithmic method that captures a pattern of computation …
(Why) is misinformation a problem?
In the last decade there has been a proliferation of research on misinformation. One
important aspect of this work that receives less attention than it should is exactly why …
important aspect of this work that receives less attention than it should is exactly why …
A (dis-) information theory of revealed and unrevealed preferences: emerging deception and skepticism via theory of mind
In complex situations involving communication, agents might attempt to mask their
intentions, exploiting Shannon's theory of information as a theory of misinformation. Here …
intentions, exploiting Shannon's theory of information as a theory of misinformation. Here …
Effect of disinformation propagation on opinion dynamics: A game theoretic approach
Disinformation can alter or manipulate our values, opinions, and rational decisions toward
any life event because disinformation, such as fake news or rumors, is propagated rapidly …
any life event because disinformation, such as fake news or rumors, is propagated rapidly …
Impact of misinformation in the evolution of collective cooperation on networks
Human societies are organized and developed through collective cooperative behaviours.
Based on the information in their environment, individuals can form collective cooperation by …
Based on the information in their environment, individuals can form collective cooperation by …
The evolution of deception
Deception plays a critical role in the dissemination of information, and has important
consequences on the functioning of cultural, market-based and democratic institutions …
consequences on the functioning of cultural, market-based and democratic institutions …
An arms race in theory-of-mind: Deception drives the emergence of higher-level theory-of-mind in agent societies
It has been argued that using Theory-of-Mind (ToM) is a fundamental cognitive ability that
underpins effective deceptive behaviour. However, we still do not have a clear …
underpins effective deceptive behaviour. However, we still do not have a clear …
Characterising deception in AI: A survey
In 2000, it was predicted that artificially intelligent agents would inevitably become
deceptive. Today, in a world seemingly awash with fake news and in which we hand over …
deceptive. Today, in a world seemingly awash with fake news and in which we hand over …