Prioritization of sustainability indicators for promoting the circular economy: The case of develo** countries
The concept of the circular economy has gained well-recognition across the world for the
past decades. With the heightening risk of the impact of climate change, resource scarcity to …
past decades. With the heightening risk of the impact of climate change, resource scarcity to …
New venture growth: A review and extension
New venture growth differs from that of established firms and is an important topic for
scholarly inquiry. Current literature on new venture growth has focused primarily on why …
scholarly inquiry. Current literature on new venture growth has focused primarily on why …
The role of ICT and innovation in enhancing organizational performance: The catalysing effect of corporate entrepreneurship
Abstract Information and communication technologies (ICT)-based innovations and
applications have become major drivers of enhanced organizational performance, economic …
applications have become major drivers of enhanced organizational performance, economic …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of ESG activities on firm value: Multi-level analysis of industrial characteristics
YJ Chang, BH Lee - Sustainability, 2022 -
The study attempted to identify how ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) activities affect
firm value depending on the industrial environment to which the entity belongs, taking into …
firm value depending on the industrial environment to which the entity belongs, taking into …
Business intelligence and analytics use, innovation ambidexterity, and firm performance: A dynamic capabilities perspective
K Božič, V Dimovski - The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
To survive in a dynamic and hyper-competitive business environment, firms are compelled
to simultaneously introduce incremental and radical innovations. While it is recognised that …
to simultaneously introduce incremental and radical innovations. While it is recognised that …
High‐growth women's entrepreneurship: Fueling social and economic development
High‐growth firms, often referred to as “gazelles,” are equated with entrepreneurial success
and celebrated as the key to growing economies, and women's entrepreneurship is a …
and celebrated as the key to growing economies, and women's entrepreneurship is a …
Passion and grit: An exploration of the pathways leading to venture success
Entrepreneurial passion has been proposed as a central characteristic of entrepreneurs,
theorized to influence a host of entrepreneurial behaviors as well as firm performance. The …
theorized to influence a host of entrepreneurial behaviors as well as firm performance. The …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of online display advertising and paid search advertising relative to offline advertising on firm performance and firm value
This research examines the impact of online display advertising and paid search advertising
relative to offline advertising on firm performance and firm value. Using proprietary data on …
relative to offline advertising on firm performance and firm value. Using proprietary data on …
Organizational culture and organizational effectiveness: a meta-analytic investigation of the competing values framework's theoretical suppositions.
Abstract [Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 96 (4) of Journal of
Applied Psychology (see record 2011-06260-001). In this article the supplemental materials …
Applied Psychology (see record 2011-06260-001). In this article the supplemental materials …
How a firm's competitive environment and digital strategic posture influence digital business strategy
In this paper, we examine how the competitive industry environment shapes the way that
digital strategic posture (defined as a focal firm's degree of engagement in a particular class …
digital strategic posture (defined as a focal firm's degree of engagement in a particular class …