Revisiting the Holocene global temperature conundrum
Recent global temperature reconstructions for the current interglacial period (the Holocene,
beginning 11,700 years ago) have generated contrasting trends. This Review examines …
beginning 11,700 years ago) have generated contrasting trends. This Review examines …
Current global efforts are insufficient to limit warming to 1.5 C
Human activities have caused global temperatures to increase by 1.25° C, and the current
emissions trajectory suggests that we will exceed 1.5° C in less than 10 years. Though the …
emissions trajectory suggests that we will exceed 1.5° C in less than 10 years. Though the …
National contributions to climate change due to historical emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide since 1850
Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O)
have made significant contributions to global warming since the pre-industrial period and …
have made significant contributions to global warming since the pre-industrial period and …
[HTML][HTML] Indicators of Global Climate Change 2022: annual update of large-scale indicators of the state of the climate system and human influence
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of
scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations …
scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations …
[HTML][HTML] Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023: annual update of key indicators of the state of the climate system and human influence
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of
scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations …
scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations …
The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979
In recent decades, the warming in the Arctic has been much faster than in the rest of the
world, a phenomenon known as Arctic amplification. Numerous studies report that the Arctic …
world, a phenomenon known as Arctic amplification. Numerous studies report that the Arctic …
[PDF][PDF] Climate change 2022: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability
C Parmesan, MD Morecroft, Y Trisurat - 2022 -
Chapter 2, building on prior assessments1, provides a global assessment of the observed
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …
Oceans and coastal ecosystems and their services
Ocean and coastal ecosystems support life on Earth and many aspects of human well-being.
Covering two-thirds of the planet, the ocean hosts vast biodiversity and modulates the global …
Covering two-thirds of the planet, the ocean hosts vast biodiversity and modulates the global …
The unprecedented Pacific northwest heatwave of June 2021
In late June 2021 a heatwave of unprecedented magnitude impacted the Pacific Northwest
region of Canada and the United States. Many locations broke all-time maximum …
region of Canada and the United States. Many locations broke all-time maximum …
Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services
Chapter 2, building on prior assessments, provides a global assessment of the observed
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …