The emergence of a “digital underclass” in Great Britain and Sweden: Changing reasons for digital exclusion
Research into reasons for Internet non-use has been mostly based on one-off cohort studies
and focused on single-country contexts. This article shows that motivations for being offline …
and focused on single-country contexts. This article shows that motivations for being offline …
Studying the digital: Directions and challenges for digital methods
The methodological tool chest available to those who study digital technologies ranges from
those that are uniquely digital methods to approaches that are well established in the social …
those that are uniquely digital methods to approaches that are well established in the social …
Internet (non-) use types and motivational access: Implications for digital inequalities research
Research into digital inequalities has shifted from a binary view of Internet use versus non-
use to studying gradations in Internet use. However, this research has mostly compared …
use to studying gradations in Internet use. However, this research has mostly compared …
A brave new world: The problems and opportunities presented by new media technologies in prisons
This article discusses the digital inequalities experienced by prisoners and the potential
opportunities that providing 'new'media in prisons offer for offender rehabilitation and …
opportunities that providing 'new'media in prisons offer for offender rehabilitation and …
How social well-being is affected by digital inequalities
Digital inequalities have real consequences for individuals' everyday lives—this basic
assumption drives digital inequality research. Recent efforts have focused on tangible …
assumption drives digital inequality research. Recent efforts have focused on tangible …
The struggle for digital inclusion: Phones, healthcare, and marginalisation in rural India
The gains from digital technology diffusion are deemed essential for international
development, but they are also distributed unevenly. Does the uneven distribution mean that …
development, but they are also distributed unevenly. Does the uneven distribution mean that …
The role of social support networks in proxy Internet use from the intergenerational solidarity perspective
Digital inequalities research has documented a set of practices related to people's Internet
use that questions the binary division between Internet users and non-users. In particular …
use that questions the binary division between Internet users and non-users. In particular …
Exploring older adults' ICT support: A mismatch between needs and provision
Because findings in prior research are ambiguous, it remains unclear whether and under
which circumstances formal and informal support sources help older adults with their …
which circumstances formal and informal support sources help older adults with their …
(B) Locked sites: cases of Internet use in three British prisons
Based on a qualitative sco** exercise in three British prisons, this article discusses digital
inequalities experienced by prisoners and the potential opportunities that digital media in …
inequalities experienced by prisoners and the potential opportunities that digital media in …
Going online on behalf of someone else: Characteristics of Internet users who act as proxy users
An important contribution of digital inequalities research has been the discussion of nuances
in ways that people (dis) engage with information and communication technologies (ICTs) …
in ways that people (dis) engage with information and communication technologies (ICTs) …