Fluoride occurrence in groundwater systems at global scale and status of defluoridation–state of the art
The occurrence of elevated concentrations of fluoride in the drinking water supply in many
regions of the world has caused widespread prevalence of dental and skeletal fluorosis. In …
regions of the world has caused widespread prevalence of dental and skeletal fluorosis. In …
Hydrogeomorphic effects of explosive volcanic eruptions on drainage basins
TC Pierson, JJ Major - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary …, 2014 - annualreviews.org
Explosive eruptions can severely disturb landscapes downwind or downstream of volcanoes
by damaging vegetation and depositing large volumes of erodible fragmental material. As a …
by damaging vegetation and depositing large volumes of erodible fragmental material. As a …
Recovery after volcanic ash deposition: vegetation effects on soil organic carbon, soil structure and infiltration rates
Background and purpose Volcanic eruptions of pyroclastic tephra, including the ash-sized
fraction (< 2 mm; referred to as volcanic ash), have negative direct impacts on soil quality …
fraction (< 2 mm; referred to as volcanic ash), have negative direct impacts on soil quality …
The effects of large igneous provinces on the global carbon and sulphur cycles
The correlation between large igneous provinces (LIPs), extinction events, and rapid climate
change suggests that volcanism can have a detrimental impact on Earth surface conditions …
change suggests that volcanism can have a detrimental impact on Earth surface conditions …
Community established best practice recommendations for tephra studies—from collection through analysis
Tephra is a unique volcanic product with an unparalleled role in understanding past
eruptions, long-term behavior of volcanoes, and the effects of volcanism on climate and the …
eruptions, long-term behavior of volcanoes, and the effects of volcanism on climate and the …
[HTML][HTML] The role of tephra in enhancing organic carbon preservation in marine sediments
Preservation of organic carbon (C org) in marine sediments plays a major role in defining
ocean-atmosphere CO 2 levels, Earth climate, and the generation of hydrocarbons …
ocean-atmosphere CO 2 levels, Earth climate, and the generation of hydrocarbons …
Potentially harmful elements released by volcanic ash of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma Island, Spain): implications for human health
This study assesses the potential impacts on human health of volcanic ash emitted during
the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma Island, Spain). Ash samples were physically and …
the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma Island, Spain). Ash samples were physically and …
Assessment of leachable elements in volcanic ashfall: a review and evaluation of a standardized protocol for ash hazard characterization
Volcanic ash presents a widespread and common hazard during and after eruptions.
Complex interactions between solid ash surfaces and volcanic gases lead to the formation …
Complex interactions between solid ash surfaces and volcanic gases lead to the formation …
Extraordinary sediment delivery and rapid geomorphic response following the 2008–2009 eruption of Chaitén Volcano, Chile
The 10 day explosive phase of the 2008–2009 eruption of Chaitén volcano, Chile, draped
adjacent watersheds with a few cm to> 1 m of tephra. Subsequent lava‐dome collapses …
adjacent watersheds with a few cm to> 1 m of tephra. Subsequent lava‐dome collapses …
Increased landslide activity on forested hillslopes following two recent volcanic eruptions in Chile
O Korup, J Seidemann, CH Mohr - Nature Geoscience, 2019 - nature.com
Large explosive eruptions can bury landscapes beneath thick layers of tephra. Rivers
subsequently overloaded with excess pyroclastic sediments have some of the highest …
subsequently overloaded with excess pyroclastic sediments have some of the highest …