[KNIHA][B] Exploring social psychology
This is a book I secretly wanted to write. I have long believed that what is wrong with all
psychology textbooks (including those I have written) is their overlong chapters. Few can …
psychology textbooks (including those I have written) is their overlong chapters. Few can …
[KNIHA][B] Cross-cultural psychology: Critical thinking and contemporary applications
EB Shiraev, DA Levy - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Written in a conversational style that transforms complex ideas into accessible ones, this
international best-selling textbook provides an interdisciplinary review of the theories and …
international best-selling textbook provides an interdisciplinary review of the theories and …
Wearing high heels as female mating strategy
P Prokop, J Švancárová - Personality and Individual Differences, 2020 - Elsevier
Females use various behavioural tactics in order to attract the attention of a desirable mate.
Wearing high heels enhances female physical attractiveness for the opposite sex, thus their …
Wearing high heels enhances female physical attractiveness for the opposite sex, thus their …
Preference for women's body mass and waist-to-hip ratio in tsimane'men of the bolivian amazon: biological and cultural determinants
The issue of cultural universality of waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) attractiveness in women is
currently under debate. We tested men's preferences for female WHR in traditional society of …
currently under debate. We tested men's preferences for female WHR in traditional society of …
On a pedestal: High heels and the perceived attractiveness and evolutionary fitness of women
We analyzed the responses of 448 participants who completed questions on attractiveness
and other evolutionary fitness related traits, and long-and short-term mating potential, of a …
and other evolutionary fitness related traits, and long-and short-term mating potential, of a …
High heels enhance perceived sexual attractiveness, leg length and women's mate-guarding
P Prokop - Current Psychology, 2022 - Springer
Women's physical attractiveness is associated with health and fertility, but various fashion
accessories could act, however, as supernormal stimuli and may enhance physical …
accessories could act, however, as supernormal stimuli and may enhance physical …
Judgments of sexual attractiveness: A study of the Yali tribe in Papua
Preferences for waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), sexual dimorphism in stature (SDS), and leg-to-
body ratio (LBR) have been investigated predominantly in Western cultures. The aim of the …
body ratio (LBR) have been investigated predominantly in Western cultures. The aim of the …
Bodily attractiveness as a window to women's fertility and reproductive value
JM Cloud, C Perilloux - … perspectives on human sexual psychology and …, 2014 - Springer
In this chapter, we examine, from an ultimate perspective, how and why various bodily traits—
leg length, foot size, breast size, body shape (waist-to-hip ratio), and body size (body mass …
leg length, foot size, breast size, body shape (waist-to-hip ratio), and body size (body mass …
Tendencies toward supernormality/subnormality in generating attractive and unattractive female and male avatars: gender differences
In the present study, we investigated the differences in the experience of attractiveness and
unattractiveness of human bodies. A total of 101 participants (55 females) were asked to …
unattractiveness of human bodies. A total of 101 participants (55 females) were asked to …
Effect of leg-to-body ratio on body shape attractiveness
S Kiire - Archives of sexual behavior, 2016 - Springer
Recent studies have examined various aspects of human physical attractiveness.
Attractiveness is considered an evolved psychological mechanism acquired via natural …
Attractiveness is considered an evolved psychological mechanism acquired via natural …