Magnetic nanoparticles: From the nanostructure to the physical properties
Some of the synthesis methods and physical properties of iron oxide-based magnetic
nanoparticles such as Fe 3-x O 4 and Co x Fe 3-x O 4 are reviewed because of their interest …
nanoparticles such as Fe 3-x O 4 and Co x Fe 3-x O 4 are reviewed because of their interest …
Magnetization ratchet in cylindrical nanowires
The unidirectional motion of information carriers such as domain walls in magnetic
nanostrips is a key feature for many future spintronic applications based on shift registers …
nanostrips is a key feature for many future spintronic applications based on shift registers …
Control of the chirality and polarity of magnetic vortices in triangular nanodots
Magnetic vortex dynamics in lithographically prepared nanodots is currently a subject of
intensive research, particularly after recent demonstration that the vortex polarity can be …
intensive research, particularly after recent demonstration that the vortex polarity can be …
[HTML][HTML] Distinguishing magnetic and electrostatic interactions by a Kelvin probe force microscopy–magnetic force microscopy combination
The most outstanding feature of scanning force microscopy (SFM) is its capability to detect
various different short and long range interactions. In particular, magnetic force microscopy …
various different short and long range interactions. In particular, magnetic force microscopy …
[HTML][HTML] Magnetic imaging of individual magnetosome chains in magnetotactic bacteria
While significant advances have been made in exploring and uncovering the promising
potential of biomagnetic materials, persistent challenges remain on various fronts, notably in …
potential of biomagnetic materials, persistent challenges remain on various fronts, notably in …
Numerical study of periodic magnetic field effect on 3D natural convection of MWCNT-water/nanofluid with consideration of aggregation
In this paper, a numerical study is performed to investigate the effect of a periodic magnetic
field on three-dimensional free convection of MWCNT (Mutli-Walled Carbone Nanotubes) …
field on three-dimensional free convection of MWCNT (Mutli-Walled Carbone Nanotubes) …
High-power-density energy-harvesting devices based on the anomalous Nernst effect of Co/Pt magnetic multilayers
The anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) is a thermomagnetic phenomenon with potential
applications in thermal energy harvesting. While many recent works studied the approaches …
applications in thermal energy harvesting. While many recent works studied the approaches …
Impact of periodic magnetic source on natural convection and entropy generation of ferrofluids in a baffled cavity
Purpose This paper aims to exhibit a numerical study to analyze the influence of a periodic
magnetic source on free convection flow and entropy generation of a ferrofluid in a baffled …
magnetic source on free convection flow and entropy generation of a ferrofluid in a baffled …
Geometry-dependent magnetization reversal mechanism in ordered Py antidot arrays
Arrays of Permalloy antidot thin films have been prepared by sputtering onto hexagonally
ordered anodic alumina templates. Geometry parameters of antidot arrays have been …
ordered anodic alumina templates. Geometry parameters of antidot arrays have been …
Hysteresis loops of individual Co nanostripes measured by magnetic force microscopy
High-resolution magnetic imaging is of utmost importance to understand magnetism at the
nanoscale. In the present work, we use a magnetic force microscope (MFM) operating under …
nanoscale. In the present work, we use a magnetic force microscope (MFM) operating under …