Device fingerprinting to enhance wireless security using nonparametric Bayesian method
Each wireless device has its unique fingerprint, which can be utilized for device identification
and intrusion detection. Most existing literature employs supervised learning techniques and …
and intrusion detection. Most existing literature employs supervised learning techniques and …
Variational Bayesian learning for Dirichlet process mixture of inverted Dirichlet distributions in non-Gaussian image feature modeling
In this paper, we develop a novel variational Bayesian learning method for the Dirichlet
process (DP) mixture of the inverted Dirichlet distributions, which has been shown to be very …
process (DP) mixture of the inverted Dirichlet distributions, which has been shown to be very …
Tensor RNN with Bayesian nonparametric mixture for radar HRRP modeling and target recognition
To deal with the temporal dependence between range cells in high resolution range profile
(HRRP), dynamic methods, especially recurrent neural network (RNN), have been …
(HRRP), dynamic methods, especially recurrent neural network (RNN), have been …
Count data modeling and classification using finite mixtures of distributions
N Bouguila - IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing accurate and flexible statistical
representations for count data, which we often confront in many areas such as data mining …
representations for count data, which we often confront in many areas such as data mining …
Finite asymmetric generalized Gaussian mixture models learning for infrared object detection
T Elguebaly, N Bouguila - Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2013 - Elsevier
The interest in automatic surveillance and monitoring systems has been growing over the
last years due to increasing demands for security and law enforcement applications …
last years due to increasing demands for security and law enforcement applications …
Online learning of a dirichlet process mixture of beta-liouville distributions via variational inference
A large class of problems can be formulated in terms of the clustering process. Mixture
models are an increasingly important tool in statistical pattern recognition and for analyzing …
models are an increasingly important tool in statistical pattern recognition and for analyzing …
Insights into multiple/single lower bound approximation for extended variational inference in non-Gaussian structured data modeling
For most of the non-Gaussian statistical models, the data being modeled represent strongly
structured properties, such as scalar data with bounded support (eg, beta distribution) …
structured properties, such as scalar data with bounded support (eg, beta distribution) …
Variational learning of a Dirichlet process of generalized Dirichlet distributions for simultaneous clustering and feature selection
This paper introduces a novel enhancement for unsupervised feature selection based on
generalized Dirichlet (GD) mixture models. Our proposal is based on the extension of the …
generalized Dirichlet (GD) mixture models. Our proposal is based on the extension of the …
Background subtraction using finite mixtures of asymmetric gaussian distributions and shadow detection
T Elguebaly, N Bouguila - Machine vision and applications, 2014 - Springer
Foreground segmentation of moving regions in image sequences is a fundamental step in
many vision systems including automated video surveillance, human-machine interface, and …
many vision systems including automated video surveillance, human-machine interface, and …
Markov chain monte carlo-based bayesian inference for learning finite and infinite inverted beta-liouville mixture models
Recently Inverted Beta-Liouville mixture models have emerged as an efficient paradigm for
proportional positive vectors modeling and unsupervised learning. However, little attention …
proportional positive vectors modeling and unsupervised learning. However, little attention …