A review of earthworm impact on soil function and ecosystem services
Biodiversity is responsible for the provision of many ecosystem services; human well‐being
is based on these services, and consequently on biodiversity. In soil, earthworms represent …
is based on these services, and consequently on biodiversity. In soil, earthworms represent …
Insights into the mechanisms underlying the remediation potential of earthworms in contaminated soil: A critical review of research progress and prospects
In recent years, soil pollution is a major global concern drawing worldwide attention.
Earthworms can resist high concentrations of soil pollutants and play a vital role in removing …
Earthworms can resist high concentrations of soil pollutants and play a vital role in removing …
[BOK][B] Biology and ecology of earthworms
CA Edwards, NQ Arancon, PJ Bohlen, P Hendrix - 2022 - Springer
In the 26áyears since the third edition of the Biology and Ecology of Earthworms was
published, there has been an enormous expansion of interest and research in earthworms …
published, there has been an enormous expansion of interest and research in earthworms …
Overview of in situ and ex situ remediation technologies for PCB-contaminated soils and sediments and obstacles for full-scale application
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are persistent organic pollutants used worldwide between
the 1930s and 1980s. Although their use has been heavily restricted, PCB can be found in …
the 1930s and 1980s. Although their use has been heavily restricted, PCB can be found in …
Potential of earthworms to accelerate removal of organic contaminants from soil: a review
J Rodriguez-Campos, L Dendooven… - Applied Soil …, 2014 - Elsevier
Earthworms can accelerate the removal of contaminants from soil. Earthworms change the
physical and chemical properties of soil by mixing it with organic material and through their …
physical and chemical properties of soil by mixing it with organic material and through their …
Taking the fungal highway: mobilization of pollutant-degrading bacteria by fungi
S Kohlmeier, THM Smits, RM Ford, C Keel… - … science & technology, 2005 - ACS Publications
The capacity of fungi to serve as vectors for the dispersion of pollutant-degrading bacteria
was analyzed in laboratory model systems mimicking water-saturated (agar surfaces) and …
was analyzed in laboratory model systems mimicking water-saturated (agar surfaces) and …
Soil biodiversity: functions, threats and tools for policy makers
Human societies rely on the vast diversity of benefits provided by nature, such as food,
fibres, construction materials, clean water, clean air and climate regulation. All the elements …
fibres, construction materials, clean water, clean air and climate regulation. All the elements …
Secondary plant metabolites in phytoremediation and biotransformation
AC Singer, DE Crowley, IP Thompson - TRENDS in Biotechnology, 2003 - cell.com
For millennia, secondary plant metabolites have antagonized microorganisms, insects and
humans alike, ultimately generating a complex and dynamic mixture of facultative and …
humans alike, ultimately generating a complex and dynamic mixture of facultative and …
Earthworm assisted bioremediation of organic contaminants
ZA Hickman, BJ Reid - Environment international, 2008 - Elsevier
Due to their biological, chemical and physical actions, earthworms can be directly employed
within bioremediation strategies to promote biodegradation of organic contaminants …
within bioremediation strategies to promote biodegradation of organic contaminants …
Earthworms for eco-friendly resource efficient agriculture
Waste production became the main concern in the era of the increasing world population.
Millions of tons of waste are being generated everyday worldwide, and now, it is a big …
Millions of tons of waste are being generated everyday worldwide, and now, it is a big …