[HTML][HTML] A review of metastable beta titanium alloys
In this article, we provide a broad and extensive review of beta titanium alloys. Beta titanium
alloys are an important class of alloys that have found use in demanding applications such …
alloys are an important class of alloys that have found use in demanding applications such …
A review of the metastable omega phase in beta titanium alloys: the phase transformation mechanisms and its effect on mechanical properties
Since its discovery in 1954, the omega (ω) phase in titanium and its alloys has attracted
substantial attention from researchers. The β-to-ω and ω-to-α phase transformations are …
substantial attention from researchers. The β-to-ω and ω-to-α phase transformations are …
A low-cost hierarchical nanostructured beta-titanium alloy with high strength
Lightweighting of automobiles by use of novel low-cost, high strength-to-weight ratio
structural materials can reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and in turn CO2 emission …
structural materials can reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and in turn CO2 emission …
Role of ω phase in the formation of extremely refined intragranular α precipitates in metastable β-titanium alloys
Coupling high-resolution characterization and phase-field microelasticity modeling, the non-
conventional transformation pathway, mediated by ω precipitates, that leads to super-refined …
conventional transformation pathway, mediated by ω precipitates, that leads to super-refined …
New insights into the phase transformations to isothermal ω and ω-assisted α in near β-Ti alloys
For multicomponent near-β alloys, we have investigated the mechanisms responsible for the
β-to-ω and ω-to-α phase transformations upon isothermal ageing at 573 K. Experimental …
β-to-ω and ω-to-α phase transformations upon isothermal ageing at 573 K. Experimental …
Three-dimensional nanoscale characterisation of materials by atom probe tomography
The development of three-dimensional (3-D), characterisation techniques with high spatial
and mass resolution is crucial for understanding and develo** advanced materials for …
and mass resolution is crucial for understanding and develo** advanced materials for …
Origin of the ductile-to-brittle transition of metastable β-titanium alloys: Self-hardening of ω-precipitates
The ductile-to-brittle transition is commonly observed in metastable β-titanium (Ti) alloys
containing ω-precipitates, while the fundamental understanding on ω-embrittlement hitherto …
containing ω-precipitates, while the fundamental understanding on ω-embrittlement hitherto …
Origin of hard magnetism in Fe-Co-Ni-Al-Ti-Cu high-entropy alloy: Chemical shape anisotropy
H Chen, J Gou, W Jia, X Song, T Ma - Acta Materialia, 2023 - Elsevier
Some non-equiatomic magnetic high-entropy alloys (HEAs), eg Fe 2 CoNiAlCu 0.4 Ti 0.4
(at.%), have recently been found to yield appealing hard magnetic properties even at as-cast …
(at.%), have recently been found to yield appealing hard magnetic properties even at as-cast …
Giant thermal expansion and α-precipitation pathways in Ti-alloys
Ti-alloys represent the principal structural materials in both aerospace development and
metallic biomaterials. Key to optimizing their mechanical and functional behaviour is in …
metallic biomaterials. Key to optimizing their mechanical and functional behaviour is in …
Thermal stability and phase transformations of martensitic Ti–Nb alloys
Aiming at understanding the governing microstructural phenomena during heat treatments
of Ni-free Ti-based shape memory materials for biomedical applications, a series of Ti–Nb …
of Ni-free Ti-based shape memory materials for biomedical applications, a series of Ti–Nb …