Highlighting the role of agriculture and geospatial technology in food security and sustainable development goals

PC Pandey, M Pandey - Sustainable Development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Food security is a global challenge that aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), including SDG 1‐“No Poverty”, SDG 2‐“Zero Hunger,” SDG 3‐“Good Health and …

Predicting species distributions and community composition using satellite remote sensing predictors

JN Pinto-Ledezma, J Cavender-Bares - Scientific Reports, 2021 - nature.com
Biodiversity is rapidly changing due to changes in the climate and human related activities;
thus, the accurate predictions of species composition and diversity are critical to develo** …

[HTML][HTML] Potential and limitations of grasslands α-diversity prediction using fine-scale hyperspectral imagery

HA Imran, D Gianelle, M Scotton, D Rocchini… - Remote Sensing, 2021 - mdpi.com
Plant biodiversity is an important feature of grassland ecosystems, as it is related to the
provision of many ecosystem services crucial for the human economy and well-being. Given …

[HTML][HTML] Spatial characterisation of vegetation diversity in groundwater-dependent ecosystems Using in-Situ and Sentinel-2 MSI Satellite Data

KS Mpakairi, T Dube, F Dondofema, T Dalu - Remote Sensing, 2022 - mdpi.com
Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) are under threat from groundwater over-
abstraction, which significantly impacts their conservation and sustainable management …

Forest and Biodiversity 2: A tree diversity experiment to understand the consequences of multiple dimensions of diversity and composition for long‐term ecosystem …

J Cavender‐Bares, JJ Grossman… - Methods in Ecology …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
We introduce a new “ecosystem‐scale” experiment at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science
Reserve in central Minnesota, USA to test long‐term ecosystem consequences of tree …

Plant spectral diversity from high‐resolution multispectral imagery detects functional diversity patterns in coastal dune communities

E Beccari, C Pérez Carmona, E Tordoni… - Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Question Remote sensing is a fundamental tool to monitor biodiversity and spectral diversity
may represent a proxy for different biodiversity facets such as taxonomic (TD) and functional …

Plant diversity across dimensions: Coupling biodiversity measures from the ground and the sky

JN Pinto-Ledezma, AK Schweiger, JA Guzmán Q… - Science …, 2025 - science.org
Tracking biodiversity across biomes over space and time has emerged as an imperative in
unified global efforts to manage our living planet for a sustainable future for humanity. We …

Leaf-Level Field Spectroscopy to Discriminate Invasive Species (Psidium guajava L. and Hovenia dulcis Thunb.) from Native Tree Species in the Southern Brazilian …

CL Mallmann, W Pereira Filho, JBB Dreyer, LA Tabaldi… - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
Invasive species are known to have potential advantages over the native community and
can be expressed in their leaf functional traits. Thus, leaf-level traits with spectral reflectance …

Coupling spectral and resource-use complementarity in experimental grassland and forest communities

AK Schweiger, J Cavender-Bares… - … of the Royal …, 2021 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Reflectance spectra provide integrative measures of plant phenotypes by capturing
chemical, morphological, anatomical and architectural trait information. Here, we investigate …


张艺伟, 郭焱培, 唐荣, 唐志尧 - 遥感学报, 2023 - ygxb.ac.cn
人类活动, 极端气候, 物种入侵等事件导致植物的生物多样性丧失加剧, 生物多样性保护迫切需要
快速准确地收集陆地植物多样性信息. 高光谱遥感的出现, 为大空间尺度上的植物多样性研究 …