[PDF][PDF] The Intersection Between Information Systems and Workplace Learning: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda.

HV Hult, LO Johansson, AS Islind, U Snis - HICSS, 2022 - researchgate.net
Abstract Information Systems (IS) research has extensively studied change in relation to
digitalization. However, less attention has been paid to both individual and organizational …

Socio-technical interplay in a two-sided market: the case of learning platforms

AS Islind, L Norström, H Vallo Hult… - Digital Transformation and …, 2021 - Springer
The rise of the platform era changes the way interactions are structured and enables
transactions at a distance. The platform phenomena also enables co-creation of content …

Introduction to the Minitrack on Sharing Economy in Rural Areas

LO Johansson, L Norström, AS Islind, U Snis - 2021 - aisel.aisnet.org
As autonomous cars enter our cities the potential of sharing cars with others emerges. With
autonomous cars comes the potential of preserving the flexibility and comfortability of …