Theoretical prediction of solar heat flux intensity on parabolic trough collector systems

A Gowda, S Dassappa, R Hanumanthrappa - Materials Today …, 2020 - Elsevier
Wide spread utilization of solar energy can be reduce a significant portion of the
conventional energy for the benefits of nation economy. The solar water heating systems are …

Design support system for parabolic trough solar collector

D Woldemichael, A Woldeyohannes… - Journal of Applied …, 2012 -
Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) is special kind of heat exchanger that is able to transfer
solar radiation energy to fluid medium that flow through it. Designing a PTC for a specific …

[PDF][PDF] Flachkollektor mit selektiv beschichteter Zweischeibenverglasung

S Föste - 2013 -
Um eine weitere Verbreitung solarthermischer Anlagen zu ermöglichen, z. B. für industrielle
Prozesswärme, Klimakälte oder für Raumheizanlagen mit hohem Deckungsanteil, müssen …

Regression models and sensitivity analysis for the thermal performance of solar flat-plate collectors

N ur Rehman, M Uzair, MA Siddiqui… - Arabian Journal for …, 2019 - Springer
This work presents numerically derived regression models for evaluating the thermal
efficiency and fluid exit temperature of a solar flat-plate collector (FPC), when water, 20 …

A comparative simulation study of solar flat-plate collectors directly and indirectly integrated into the building envelope

J Metzger, T Matuska, H Schranzhofer - 2009 -
Simulation analyses for solar combisystems (domestic hot water production and space
heating) with different levels of collector quality (atmospheric and evacuated flat-plate …

[PDF][PDF] Convective losses inside a cavity of a novel insulating glass flat-plate solar thermal collector

MMA Abdalsalam - 2022 -
Large-scale solar thermal district heating plants are considered to serve as a renewable
alternative in European District Heating systems but their execution imposes widely …

[PDF][PDF] Models of Sub-Components and Validation for the IEA SHC Task 44/HPP Annex 38 Part B: Collector Models

E Bertram, D Carbonell, B Perers, MY Haller… - International Energy …, 2012 -
Solar heat pump systems offer a promising alternative for a high efficiency heat supply of
buildings. In addition to the use of solar thermal heat at the temperature levels required by …


S Rabah, KM Nachida, O Tariq - … testing and the industry of materials …, 2012 -
Le capteur plan est l'élément essentiel du chauffe eau solaire. Il capte l'énergie solaire et la
transforme en chaleur pour la transférer, par la suite, au ballon de stockage. Il est constitué …

[PDF][PDF] České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta strojní

T Matuška -
V souvislosti s celoevropským důrazem na snižování energetické náročnosti a zvyšování
podílu obnovitelných zdrojů energie na krytí potřeb tepla a elektrické energie v budovách lze …