This time it was different? The salience of the Spitzenkandidaten system among European parties
Abstract The Lisbon Treaty (2009) introduced key institutional changes to increase the
relevance of elections to the European Parliament (EP). Among others, major political …
relevance of elections to the European Parliament (EP). Among others, major political …
Put in the spotlight or largely ignored? Emphasis on the Spitzenkandidaten by political parties in their online campaigns for European elections
D Braun, T Schwarzbözl - Journal of European Public Policy, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This article contributes to the debate about the introduction of the Spitzenkandidaten (lead
candidates) in the 2014 European Parliament (EP) election. Focusing on parties' efforts to …
candidates) in the 2014 European Parliament (EP) election. Focusing on parties' efforts to …
Introduction to the special issue: No longer second-order? Explaining the European Parliament elections of 2019
The dominant perspective of European Parliament (EP) elections is that these are second-
order national elections where little is at stake. This Special Issue asks whether this …
order national elections where little is at stake. This Special Issue asks whether this …
Learning about the unknown Spitzenkandidaten: The role of media exposure during the 2019 European Parliament elections
The Spitzenkandidaten were meant to personalize European Parliament elections. This
paper asks whether and through which channels the lead candidates were actually able to …
paper asks whether and through which channels the lead candidates were actually able to …
The Spitzenkandidaten Process in the Context of the EP Campaign: The Role of Party Competition
The Spitzenkandidaten system was envisaged as a way of transforming the character of
elections to the European Parliament (EP). To gain a better understanding of how this …
elections to the European Parliament (EP). To gain a better understanding of how this …
The interplay between parties and media in putting EU issues on the agenda: A temporal pattern analysis of the 2014 European Parliamentary election campaigns in …
M Maier, P Bacherle, S Adam… - Party …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
We investigate the interplay between party communication and media coverage in putting
EU issues on the agenda during the 2014 European Parliamentary election campaigns in …
EU issues on the agenda during the 2014 European Parliamentary election campaigns in …
What sort of changes did the Spitzenkandidat process bring to the quality of the EU's democracy?
S Fotopoulos - European View, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
In the 2014 and 2019 European elections, not only were parliamentary seats at stake, but
more importantly, European citizens were given the opportunity to indirectly decide who …
more importantly, European citizens were given the opportunity to indirectly decide who …
Do Spitzenkandidaten debates matter? Effects on voters' cognitions and evaluations of candidates and issues
I Palacios, C Arnold - Politics, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
The Lisbon Treaty introduced key institutional changes to increase the relevance of
elections to the European Parliament (EP). Among these was the 'Spitzenkandidaten …
elections to the European Parliament (EP). Among these was the 'Spitzenkandidaten …
Understanding leader evaluations in European Parliament elections
Leader evaluations are a crucial aspect in representative democracy. We analyse the
patterns, antecedents and consequences of European Union leader evaluations against the …
patterns, antecedents and consequences of European Union leader evaluations against the …
The impact of EU institutional advertising on public support for European integration
Utilitarian theories propose that support for the EU is based on an instrumental calculus
about the costs and benefits of European integration. Drawing on these theories, we analyze …
about the costs and benefits of European integration. Drawing on these theories, we analyze …