Terahertz phase imaging and biomedical applications
Terahertz frequency (THz) radiation lies in between the microwave and infrared ranges.
While it is strongly absorbed by water, it is nonionizing and has low possibility of causing …
While it is strongly absorbed by water, it is nonionizing and has low possibility of causing …
Tomographic diffractive microscopy: basics, techniques and perspectives
O Haeberlé, K Belkebir, H Giovaninni… - Journal of Modern …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Tomographic diffractive microscopy (TDM) is an advanced digital imaging technique, which
combines the recording of multiple holograms with the use of inversion procedures to …
combines the recording of multiple holograms with the use of inversion procedures to …
[BOK][B] Introduction to optical microscopy
J Mertz - 2019 - books.google.com
This fully updated, self-contained textbook covering modern optical microscopy equips
students with a solid understanding of the theory underlying a range of advanced …
students with a solid understanding of the theory underlying a range of advanced …
Principles and techniques of digital holographic microscopy
MK Kim - SPIE reviews, 2010 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Digital holography is an emerging field of new paradigm in general imaging applications.
We present a review of a subset of the research and development activities in digital …
We present a review of a subset of the research and development activities in digital …
[BOK][B] Digital holography
The concept of digital holographic recording is illustrated in Fig. 3.1 a (Schnars, 1994;
Schnars and Jüptner, Appl Opt 33: 179–181, 1994). A plane reference wave and the wave …
Schnars and Jüptner, Appl Opt 33: 179–181, 1994). A plane reference wave and the wave …
[BOK][B] Handbook of holographic interferometry: optical and digital methods
T Kreis - 2006 - books.google.com
Laserbasierte Messverfahren sind heute unverzichtbar sowohl in der Hochtechnologie als
auch bei der Qualitätssicherung in der Industrie. Die interferometrische Holografie wird …
auch bei der Qualitätssicherung in der Industrie. Die interferometrische Holografie wird …
Synthetic aperture Fourier holographic optical microscopy
We report a new synthetic aperture optical microscopy in which high-resolution, wide-field
amplitude and phase images are synthesized from a set of Fourier holograms. Each …
amplitude and phase images are synthesized from a set of Fourier holograms. Each …
Kramers–Kronig holographic imaging for high-space-bandwidth product
Modern optical imaging possesses a huge information capacity whose corresponding space-
bandwidth product (SBP) reaches tens of megapixels. However, despite the advances in …
bandwidth product (SBP) reaches tens of megapixels. However, despite the advances in …
Synthetic aperture superresolution with multiple off-axis holograms
An optical setup to achieve superresolution in microscopy using holographic recording is
presented. The technique is based on off-axis illumination of the object and a simple optical …
presented. The technique is based on off-axis illumination of the object and a simple optical …
Resolution enhancement in quantitative phase microscopy
Quantitative phase microscopy (QPM), a technique combining phase imaging and
microscopy, enables visualization of the 3D topography in reflective samples, as well as the …
microscopy, enables visualization of the 3D topography in reflective samples, as well as the …