Terahertz phase imaging and biomedical applications

M Wan, JJ Healy, JT Sheridan - Optics & Laser Technology, 2020 - Elsevier
Terahertz frequency (THz) radiation lies in between the microwave and infrared ranges.
While it is strongly absorbed by water, it is nonionizing and has low possibility of causing …

Tomographic diffractive microscopy: basics, techniques and perspectives

O Haeberlé, K Belkebir, H Giovaninni… - Journal of Modern …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Tomographic diffractive microscopy (TDM) is an advanced digital imaging technique, which
combines the recording of multiple holograms with the use of inversion procedures to …

[BOK][B] Introduction to optical microscopy

J Mertz - 2019 - books.google.com
This fully updated, self-contained textbook covering modern optical microscopy equips
students with a solid understanding of the theory underlying a range of advanced …

Principles and techniques of digital holographic microscopy

MK Kim - SPIE reviews, 2010 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Digital holography is an emerging field of new paradigm in general imaging applications.
We present a review of a subset of the research and development activities in digital …

[BOK][B] Digital holography

U Schnars, C Falldorf, J Watson, W Jüptner, U Schnars… - 2015 - Springer
The concept of digital holographic recording is illustrated in Fig. 3.1 a (Schnars, 1994;
Schnars and Jüptner, Appl Opt 33: 179–181, 1994). A plane reference wave and the wave …

[BOK][B] Handbook of holographic interferometry: optical and digital methods

T Kreis - 2006 - books.google.com
Laserbasierte Messverfahren sind heute unverzichtbar sowohl in der Hochtechnologie als
auch bei der Qualitätssicherung in der Industrie. Die interferometrische Holografie wird …

Synthetic aperture Fourier holographic optical microscopy

SA Alexandrov, TR Hillman, T Gutzler, DD Sampson - Physical review letters, 2006 - APS
We report a new synthetic aperture optical microscopy in which high-resolution, wide-field
amplitude and phase images are synthesized from a set of Fourier holograms. Each …

Kramers–Kronig holographic imaging for high-space-bandwidth product

YS Baek, KR Lee, S Shin, YK Park - Optica, 2019 - opg.optica.org
Modern optical imaging possesses a huge information capacity whose corresponding space-
bandwidth product (SBP) reaches tens of megapixels. However, despite the advances in …

Synthetic aperture superresolution with multiple off-axis holograms

V Mico, Z Zalevsky, P García-Martínez… - Journal of the Optical …, 2006 - opg.optica.org
An optical setup to achieve superresolution in microscopy using holographic recording is
presented. The technique is based on off-axis illumination of the object and a simple optical …

Resolution enhancement in quantitative phase microscopy

V Micó, J Zheng, J Garcia, Z Zalevsky… - Advances in Optics and …, 2019 - opg.optica.org
Quantitative phase microscopy (QPM), a technique combining phase imaging and
microscopy, enables visualization of the 3D topography in reflective samples, as well as the …