The sustainability of the gig economy food delivery system (Deliveroo, UberEATS and Just-Eat): Histories and futures of rebound, lock-in and path dependency
Online food delivery has transformed the last-mile of food and grocery delivery, with
unnoticed yet often significant impacts upon the transport and logistics network. This new …
unnoticed yet often significant impacts upon the transport and logistics network. This new …
Citizen deliberation online
P Rossini, J Stromer-Galley - 2019 -
Political conversation is at the heart of democratic societies, and it is an important precursor
of political engagement. As society has become intertwined with the communication …
of political engagement. As society has become intertwined with the communication …
Towards an understanding of how policy making groups use indicators
Groupthink is a known weakness leading to a number of problems relating primarily to false
senses of consensus. But, positive group 'wisdom'is an ideal which many aspire to make …
senses of consensus. But, positive group 'wisdom'is an ideal which many aspire to make …
[ספר][B] Resilient participation: saving the human project?
S Bell, S Morse - 2013 -
Stakeholder or public participation has become something of a modern mantra employed in
all sorts of contexts to give people a voice. There are many variants on this' participation'but …
all sorts of contexts to give people a voice. There are many variants on this' participation'but …
Emerging role of systems thinking oriented E-governance for supporting MDGs: learning in Indian context
Discussions for MDGs beyond 2015 critically reveal under utilization of potential of ICT in
general and e-governance in particular. ICT for development efforts also have supported …
general and e-governance in particular. ICT for development efforts also have supported …
[PDF][PDF] Analytical comparison of the performance efficiency of the administrative system of e-government in the Arab countries
This article details the potential mechanism to incite the adoption of the e-government
system across governmental systems in the Arab world by measuring and comparing the …
system across governmental systems in the Arab world by measuring and comparing the …
E-signature and e-services in Albania
ObjectivesSince 1997, several numbers of directives have been applied to put in power the
use electronic signatures in the electronic document. In Albania there has been approved a …
use electronic signatures in the electronic document. In Albania there has been approved a …
[PDF][PDF] Anatomy of E-Government: Assessment of Municipal E-Government Services in Romania
G Moraru - CEU eTD Collection, 2010 -
The present study will discuss the issue of e-government services offered at the municipal
level in Romania and will look at how the level of e-government services varies between the …
level in Romania and will look at how the level of e-government services varies between the …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan Organisasi Pemerintahan
Y Rusfiana, D Sukarno - 2022 -
2. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak
Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal …
Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal …
Digital future (s)
The term digital as used in the information society discourse (Zacher, 2006) refers to
technical change, ie, change in the form of signals (eg, sounds, pictures, data) from …
technical change, ie, change in the form of signals (eg, sounds, pictures, data) from …