Navigating cross-border institutional complexity: A review and assessment of multinational nonmarket strategy research
Multinational enterprises are deeply engaged in nonmarket strategy (NMS), including both
corporate political activity (CPA) and strategic corporate social responsibility (SCSR). In this …
corporate political activity (CPA) and strategic corporate social responsibility (SCSR). In this …
[HTML][HTML] International relations in international business research: A review and research agenda
The increasing dynamism of the international business (IB) environment has drawn greater
scholarly attention to the implications of international politics for MNEs' cross-border …
scholarly attention to the implications of international politics for MNEs' cross-border …
Overstating and understating interaction results in international business research
AF Kingsley, TG Noordewier, RGV Bergh - Journal of World Business, 2017 - Elsevier
Approximately one-third of international business (IB) articles include conditional
hypotheses, yet the vast majority risk errors in testing or interpreting the results. Scholars …
hypotheses, yet the vast majority risk errors in testing or interpreting the results. Scholars …
Firm non‐market capabilities and the effect of supranational institutional safeguards on the location choice of international investments
J Albino‐Pimentel, P Dussauge… - Strategic Management …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Research Summary: We investigate the extent to which firms rely on supranational
institutional safeguards versus their non‐market capabilities to offset the risks of investing …
institutional safeguards versus their non‐market capabilities to offset the risks of investing …
State ownership and transparency in foreign direct investment
AP Cannizzaro, RJ Weiner - Journal of International Business Studies, 2018 - Springer
We contribute to IB literature on state-owned multinationals by examining an understudied
element of MNE strategy–transparency. Drawing insight from accounting, finance, and …
element of MNE strategy–transparency. Drawing insight from accounting, finance, and …
Home-country government support, interstate relations and the subsidiary performance of emerging market multinational enterprises
X Han, X Liu, T **_countries/links/61f1722edafcdb25fd5282dd/Bilateral-investment-treaties-as-deterrents-of-host-country-discretion-the-impact-of-investor-state-disputes-on-foreign-direct-investment-in-develo**-countries.pdf" data-clk="hl=bg&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=6&d=2728021320820577835&ei=kB7DZ_nMDrWD6rQP05CuMA" data-clk-atid="K9YzB_Dg2yUJ" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Bilateral investment treaties as deterrents of host-country discretion: the impact of investor-state disputes on foreign direct investment in develo** countries
The recent boom of investor-state disputes filed under international investment agreements
has fueled a controversial academic and policy debate. We study the impact of these …
has fueled a controversial academic and policy debate. We study the impact of these …
Leviathan as foreign investor: Geopolitics and sovereign wealth funds
Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are important but understudied state investors. We
investigate whether geopolitics influences SWFs foreign acquisitions, asking if and how their …
investigate whether geopolitics influences SWFs foreign acquisitions, asking if and how their …
Multinational enterprises' risk mitigation strategies in emerging markets: A political coalition perspective
This paper contributes to the IB literature by investigating MNEs' risk mitigation strategies in
emerging markets. Drawing on institutional perspectives and March's theoretical concept of …
emerging markets. Drawing on institutional perspectives and March's theoretical concept of …
Exploring China's state-led FDI model: Evidence from the extractive sectors in Latin America
DM Shapiro, C Vecino, J Li - Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2018 - Springer
Our study explores an under-examined way in which the Chinese government supports
outward foreign direct investment (OFDI): state supported development loans to host …
outward foreign direct investment (OFDI): state supported development loans to host …