Tissue Culture of Corymbia and Eucalyptus
Eucalypts are among the world's most widely planted trees, but the productivity of eucalypt
plantations is limited by their often-low amenability to true-to-type propagation from cuttings …
plantations is limited by their often-low amenability to true-to-type propagation from cuttings …
[HTML][HTML] Biotechnological Advances in Pharmacognosy and In Vitro Manipulation of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.
Trees are vital resources for economic, environmental, and industrial growth, supporting
human life directly or indirectly through a wide variety of therapeutic compounds …
human life directly or indirectly through a wide variety of therapeutic compounds …
Blackberry synthetic seeds storage: effects of temperature, time, and sowing substrate
In vitro propagation, is becoming the predominant method for blackberry propagation due to
its advantages compared to agamic traditional propagation methods. Synthetic seed …
its advantages compared to agamic traditional propagation methods. Synthetic seed …
Micropropagation of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. through synthetic seeds and its novel antibiofilm activities against ESKAPE pathogens
Pterocarpus marsupium, an endangered medicinal tree, desists long distance transportation
of its recalcitrant propagules, eclipsing the mass vegetative propagation and hindering the …
of its recalcitrant propagules, eclipsing the mass vegetative propagation and hindering the …
Synthesis of nonembryonic synseed, short term conservation, phytochemical evaluation and assessment of genetic stability through SCoT markers in Decalepis …
The current work specifies an effort to conserve the highly endangered plant Decalepis
salicifolia by utilizing encapsulation technology for high plantlet recovery, short-term storage …
salicifolia by utilizing encapsulation technology for high plantlet recovery, short-term storage …
Synthetic seeds: Relevance to endangered germplasm conservation in vitro
The twentieth century witnessed deterioration of biodiversity and loss of natural habitats of
many plant species. However, it was also an era of significant progress in tissue culture …
many plant species. However, it was also an era of significant progress in tissue culture …
An introduction to synthetic seeds: Production, techniques, and applications
Recent breakthroughs in in vitro culturing of plant cell tissue have helped to overcome the
challenges that face important economic and medicinal plant species. Micropropagation and …
challenges that face important economic and medicinal plant species. Micropropagation and …
Synthesis of nonembryonic synseeds in Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.: short term conservation, evaluation of phytochemicals and genetic fidelity of the regenerants
Non-embryogenic, synthetic seeds were formed by encapsulating the nodal segments (NS)
of Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. in calcium alginate hydrogel comprising of MS basal medium …
of Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. in calcium alginate hydrogel comprising of MS basal medium …
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria for in vitro and ex vitro performance enhancement of Apennines' Genepì (Artemisia umbelliformis subsp. eriantha), an …
Apennines genepì (Artemisia umbelliformis Lam. subsp. eriantha), is a high-altitude plant
endangered by illegal and indiscriminate harvesting to produce the homonymous liqueur …
endangered by illegal and indiscriminate harvesting to produce the homonymous liqueur …
In vitro regeneration, phytochemical profiling and antioxidant activity in Ruta chalepensis plants established from alginate encapsulated synthetic seeds
We developed a highly efficient protocol for the short-term conservation and in vitro
regeneration of Ruta chalepensis L. This involved encapsulating nodal segments (NS) in a …
regeneration of Ruta chalepensis L. This involved encapsulating nodal segments (NS) in a …