The FAIR principles: First generation implementation choices and challenges
“FAIR enough”?... A question asked on a daily basis in the rapidly evolving field of open
science and the underpinning data stewardship profession. After the publication of the FAIR …
science and the underpinning data stewardship profession. After the publication of the FAIR …
Community recommendations for geochemical data, services and analytical capabilities in the 21st century
The majority of geochemical and cosmochemical research is based upon observations and,
in particular, upon the acquisition, processing and interpretation of analytical data from …
in particular, upon the acquisition, processing and interpretation of analytical data from …
FAIR and Open Data in Science: The Opportunity for IUPAC
At the start of 2020, IUPAC's Committee on Publications and Cheminformatics Data
Standards (CPCDS) formed a Task Force to propose guidelines for the dissemination and …
Standards (CPCDS) formed a Task Force to propose guidelines for the dissemination and …
Assessing the state of research data publication in hydrology: A perspective from the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science …
Many have argued that datasets resulting from scientific research should be part of the
scholarly record as first class research products. Data sharing mandates from funding …
scholarly record as first class research products. Data sharing mandates from funding …
Current state and call for action to accomplish findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of low carbon energy data
With the continued digitization of the energy sector, the problem of sunken scholarly data
investments and forgone opportunities of harvesting existing data is exacerbating. It …
investments and forgone opportunities of harvesting existing data is exacerbating. It …
[PDF][PDF] 科学数据共享 FAIR 原则: 背景, 内容及实践
宋佳, 温亮明, **洋 - 情报资料工作, 2021 -
[目的/意义] FAIR 原则已经成为科学数据管理的国际准则, 研究该原则的理念内涵将有助于我国
科学数据管理工作的布局与实践.[方法/过程] 基于文献调研和网络调研, 首先从时代特性角度 …
科学数据管理工作的布局与实践.[方法/过程] 基于文献调研和网络调研, 首先从时代特性角度 …
Innovating and networking global geochemical data resources through OneGeochemistry
AM Prent, DC Hezel, M Klöcking, L Wyborn… - 2023 -
A vision of the not-to-distant future: Imagine yourself as a researcher who is making plans for
fieldwork in the Andes Mountains. You are behind your computer and load a three …
fieldwork in the Andes Mountains. You are behind your computer and load a three …
Towards a Digital IUPAC
LR McEwen - Chemistry International, 2020 -
Communicating chemical knowledge is at the core of the IUPAC mission and underlies the
success of the chemistry enterprise. In the global economy of the 21st century, this involves …
success of the chemistry enterprise. In the global economy of the 21st century, this involves …
[PDF][PDF] through OneGeochemistry
AM Prent, DC Hezel, M Klöcking, L Wyborn… -
A vision of the not-to-distant future: Imagine yourself as a researcher who is making plans for
fieldwork in the Andes Mountains. You are behind your computer and load a three …
fieldwork in the Andes Mountains. You are behind your computer and load a three …
A vision of the nottoodistant future: Imagine yourself as a researcher who is making plans for
fieldwork in the Andes Mountains. You are behind your computer and load a …
fieldwork in the Andes Mountains. You are behind your computer and load a …