Recommender systems and linked open data

T Di Noia, VC Ostuni - Reasoning Web International Summer School, 2015 - Springer
Abstract The World Wide Web is moving from a Web of hyper-linked documents to a Web of
linked data. Thanks to the Semantic Web technological stack and to the more recent Linked …

Recommendation of open educational resources. An approach based on linked open data

J Chicaiza, N Piedra, J Lopez-Vargas… - 2017 IEEE Global …, 2017 -
In an open and distributed platform as the Web there are problems associated with the
heterogeneity and information overload. In this context, teaching community and learners …

[PDF][PDF] A new system for massive RDF data management using Big Data query languages Pig, Hive, and Spark

M Banane, A Belangour - International Journal of …, 2020 -
The era of big data has emerged. The volume of generated data has never been greater.
Massive quantities of data are stored on a huge number of servers that are inter-connected …

Content-based recommendations via DBpedia and Freebase: a case study in the music domain

PT Nguyen, P Tomeo, T Di Noia… - International semantic web …, 2015 - Springer
Abstract The Web of Data has been introduced as a novel scheme for imposing structured
data on the Web. This renders data easily understandable by human beings and seamlessly …

Similarity-based knowledge graph queries for recommendation retrieval

L Wenige, J Ruhland - Semantic web, 2019 -
Current retrieval and recommendation approaches rely on hard-wired data models. This
hinders personalized customizations to meet information needs of users in a more flexible …

A semantic layer to improve collaborative filtering systems

S Kharroubi, Y Dahmani… - International Journal of …, 2018 -
According to IBM statistics, the internet generates 2.5 trillion items of heterogeneous data on
a daily basis. Known as' big data', this degrades the performance of search engines and …

A recommender system as a support and training tool

I Torre, S Torsani - … Conference on Signal-Image Technology & …, 2016 -
The research project we present in this paper concerns an ontology-based recommender for
teacher training and support. An important issue in Computer-Assisted Language Learning …

Executing, comparing, and reusing linked-data-based recommendation algorithms with the allied framework

C Figueroa, I Vagliano, OR Rocha… - Semantic Web science …, 2019 -
Data published on the web following the principles of linked data has resulted in a global
data space called the Web of Data. These principles led to semantically interlink and …

[PDF][PDF] Speeding up collaborative filtering with parametrized preprocessing

VAA Ayala, AAM Przyjaciel-Zablocki, A Schätzle… - Proceedings of the 21th …, 2015 - Citeseer
Collaborative filtering (CF) aims at producing recommendations for a user based on other
users of similar taste, their k-neighbors. Since the computation of the neighborhood …

Flexible on-the-fly recommendations from linked open data repositories

L Wenige, J Ruhland - … Systems: 19th International Conference, BIS 2016 …, 2016 - Springer
Recommender systems help consumers to find products online. But because many content-
based systems work with insufficient data, recent research has focused on enhancing item …