[HTML][HTML] A review of hydrology, sediment and water resource use in the Blue Nile Basin

SB Awulachew, M McCartney, TS Steenhuis… - 2009 - books.google.com
This working paper has been prepared as one of the outputs of the 'Improved water and land
management in the Ethiopian Highlands and its impact on downstream stakeholders …

Targeting for nonpoint source pollution reduction: A synthesis of lessons learned, remaining challenges, and emerging opportunities

PM Fleming, K Stephenson, AS Collick… - Journal of environmental …, 2022 - Elsevier
The ability to identify, target, and treat critical pollution source areas on a landscape is an
ongoing challenge for water quality programs that seek to address nonpoint source (NPS) …

Using the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis as weather input data for watershed models

DR Fuka, MT Walter, C MacAlister… - Hydrological …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Obtaining representative meteorological data for watershed‐scale hydrological modelling
can be difficult and time consuming. Land‐based weather stations do not always adequately …

Using isotopes to incorporate tree water storage and mixing dynamics into a distributed ecohydrologic modelling framework

J Knighton, S Kuppel, A Smith, C Soulsby… - …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Root water uptake (RWU) by vegetation influences the partitioning of water between
transpiration, evaporation, percolation, and surface runoff. Measurements of stable isotopes …

Evaluating topographic wetness indices across central New York agricultural landscapes

BP Buchanan, M Fleming, RL Schneider… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2014 - hess.copernicus.org
Accurately predicting soil moisture patterns in the landscape is a persistent challenge. In
humid regions, topographic wetness indices (TWIs) are widely used to approximate relative …

Defining optimal DEM resolutions and point densities for modelling hydrologically sensitive areas in agricultural catchments dominated by microtopography

IA Thomas, P Jordan, O Shine, O Fenton… - International Journal of …, 2017 - Elsevier
Defining critical source areas (CSAs) of diffuse pollution in agricultural catchments depends
upon the accurate delineation of hydrologically sensitive areas (HSAs) at highest risk of …

Modeling watershed-scale effectiveness of agricultural best management practices to reduce phosphorus loading

NS Rao, ZM Easton, EM Schneiderman… - Journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier
Planners advocate best management practices (BMPs) to reduce loss of sediment and
nutrients in agricultural areas. However, the scientific community lacks tools that use readily …

Components of phosphorus loss from agricultural landscapes, and how to incorporate them into risk assessment tools

K Reid, K Schneider, B McConkey - Frontiers in Earth Science, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Phosphorus (P) loss to surface freshwater is a key driver of environmental degradation,
including blooms of both harmful (eg, microcystis) and nuisance (eg, cladophora) algae …

Development and application of a physically based landscape water balance in the SWAT model

ED White, ZM Easton, DR Fuka, AS Collick… - Hydrological …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Watershed scale hydrological and biogeochemical models rely on the correct spatial‐
temporal prediction of processes governing water and contaminant movement. The Soil and …

Suspended sediment source areas and future climate impact on soil erosion and sediment yield in a New York City water supply watershed, USA

R Mukundan, SM Pradhanang, EM Schneiderman… - Geomorphology, 2013 - Elsevier
High suspended sediment loads and the resulting turbidity can impact the use of surface
waters for water supply and other designated uses. Changes in fluvial sediment loads …