Pathways to bridge the biophysical realism gap in ecosystem services map** approaches
The map** of ecosystem service supply has become quite common in ecosystem service
assessment practice for terrestrial ecosystems, but land cover remains the most common …
assessment practice for terrestrial ecosystems, but land cover remains the most common …
Impacts of climate change on submerged and emergent wetland plants
Submerged and emergent wetland plant communities are evaluated for their response to
global climate change (GCC), focusing on seagrasses, submerged freshwater plants, tidal …
global climate change (GCC), focusing on seagrasses, submerged freshwater plants, tidal …
The current status, potential and challenges of remote sensing for large-scale mangrove studies
Large-scale mangrove studies are pivotal for coastal forest restoration and climate change
mitigation as evidenced by an alarming fact that globally mangrove has declined more than …
mitigation as evidenced by an alarming fact that globally mangrove has declined more than …
The maturation of ecosystem services: Social and policy research expands, but whither biophysically informed valuation?
The concept of ecosystem services (ES) has risen to prominence based on its promise to
vastly improve environmental decision‐making and to represent nature's many benefits to …
vastly improve environmental decision‐making and to represent nature's many benefits to …
Visitors' willingness to pay for ecosystem conservation in Grenada
Understanding visitors' willingness to pay (WTP) for natural ecosystems can assist
policymakers in managing the environmental assets that form the foundation of nature …
policymakers in managing the environmental assets that form the foundation of nature …
[HTML][HTML] Valuing the contribution of blue carbon to small island develo** states' climate change commitments and Covid-19 recovery
Abstract Small Island Develo** States (SIDS) face complex socio-economic and
environmental threats, making them particularly vulnerable to climate change. Blue Carbon …
environmental threats, making them particularly vulnerable to climate change. Blue Carbon …
Distribution, pore-water chemistry, and stand characteristics of the mangroves of the United Arab Emirates
ABSTRACT Moore, GE; Grizzle, RE; Ward, KM, and Alshihi, RM, 2015. Distribution, pore-
water chemistry, and stand characteristics of the mangroves of the United Arab Emirates …
water chemistry, and stand characteristics of the mangroves of the United Arab Emirates …
[PDF][PDF] Mangroves for money: ecological and social impacts of recent development projects in the mangrove forests of Grenada, West Indies
Grenada is a Small Island Develo** State (SIDS) located in the southern Caribbean with a
population of~ 113,000 (CIA 2021). The nation of Grenada includes three inhabited islands …
population of~ 113,000 (CIA 2021). The nation of Grenada includes three inhabited islands …
Integrating a High-Resolution Canopy Height Model With a Sentinel-1/2 Fused Product in Google Earth Engine for Mangrove Species Map** in the Caroni Swamp
D Ramsewak, A Jagassar - Caribbean Journal of Science, 2024 - BioOne
Small island states are amongst the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Many
of these effects have been occurring along the coastal zones. Mangrove ecosystems are …
of these effects have been occurring along the coastal zones. Mangrove ecosystems are …
Introduced mammals threaten the Grenadines transboundary tropical seabird hotspot
J Coffey, N Collier - Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, 2021 - jco.birdscaribbean.org
A minimum of nine species of introduced mammals inhabit at least 19 remote islands
throughout the Grenadines—an archipelago that hosts globally and regionally significant …
throughout the Grenadines—an archipelago that hosts globally and regionally significant …