[HTML][HTML] A review of understanding electrocatalytic reactions in energy conversion and energy storage systems via scanning electrochemical microscopy
To address climate change and promote environmental sustainability, electrochemical
energy conversion and storage systems emerge as promising alternative to fossil fuels …
energy conversion and storage systems emerge as promising alternative to fossil fuels …
Intermolecular energy gap‐induced formation of high‐valent cobalt species in CoOOH surface layer on cobalt sulfides for efficient water oxidation
Transition metal‐based electrocatalysts will undergo surface reconstruction to form active
oxyhydroxide‐based hybrids, which are regarded as the “true‐catalysts” for the oxygen …
oxyhydroxide‐based hybrids, which are regarded as the “true‐catalysts” for the oxygen …
Theoretical insights into the structure and reactivity of the aqueous/metal interface
A review describing recent developments in the theoretical description of molecular and
atomic interactions occurring at the interface between an aqueous solution and a metal …
atomic interactions occurring at the interface between an aqueous solution and a metal …
Design of oxygen reduction bimetallic catalysts: ab-initio-derived thermodynamic guidelines
The Gibbs free energies of key elementary steps for the electrocatalytic oxygen reduction
reaction (ORR) are calculated with B3LYP type of density functional theory: O2+ M+ H++ e …
reaction (ORR) are calculated with B3LYP type of density functional theory: O2+ M+ H++ e …
The Mechanism of Forming H2O from H2 and O2 over a Pt Catalyst via Direct Oxygen Reduction
Density functional theory (DFT) was used with the B3LYP gradient‐corrected exchange–
correlation functional to study the mechanism for the reaction of H2+ 1\over2 O2→ H2O over …
correlation functional to study the mechanism for the reaction of H2+ 1\over2 O2→ H2O over …
Kinetics and mechanism for the oxygen reduction reaction on polycrystalline cobalt–palladium electrocatalysts in acid media
Cobalt–palladium (CoPdx) bimetallic electrocatalysts of various compositions were
prepared and their physical and electrochemical properties were examined. The nominal …
prepared and their physical and electrochemical properties were examined. The nominal …
Explainable and trustworthy artificial intelligence for correctable modeling in chemical sciences
Data science has primarily focused on big data, but for many physics, chemistry, and
engineering applications, data are often small, correlated and, thus, low dimensional, and …
engineering applications, data are often small, correlated and, thus, low dimensional, and …
Pressure-promoted irregular CoMoP 2 nanoparticles activated by surface reconstruction for oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysts
Develo** highly ordered and conductive phosphorous-based materials and identifying
their active sites are critical to improve the catalytic performance for oxygen evolution …
their active sites are critical to improve the catalytic performance for oxygen evolution …
CoPdx oxygen reduction electrocatalysts for polymer electrolyte membrane and direct methanol fuel cells
The electrochemical activity of carbon-supported cobalt–palladium alloy electrocatalysts of
various compositions have been investigated for the oxygen reduction reaction in a 5cm2 …
various compositions have been investigated for the oxygen reduction reaction in a 5cm2 …
Preparation of low-platinum-content platinum–nickel, platinum–cobalt binary alloy and platinum–nickel–cobalt ternary alloy catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in …
M Li, Y Lei, N Sheng, T Ohtsuka - Journal of Power Sources, 2015 - Elsevier
A series of low-platinum-content platinum–nickel (Pt–Ni), platinum–cobalt (Pt–Co) binary
alloys and platinum–nickel–cobalt (Pt–Ni–Co) ternary alloys electrocatalysts were …
alloys and platinum–nickel–cobalt (Pt–Ni–Co) ternary alloys electrocatalysts were …