[KNJIGA][B] Messengers from the Cosmos: An Introduction to the Physics of Cosmic Rays in Its Historical Evolution

F Riggi - 2023 - Springer
All areas of scientific investigation may be considered, especially in the eyes of those
directly involved in that activity, as an exciting adventure. If we looked for a definition of …

[KNJIGA][B] Cosmic ray muons as penetrating probes to explore the world around us

P La Rocca, DL Presti, F Riggi - 2018 - intechopen.com
Secondary cosmic muons provide a powerful probe to explore various aspects of the world
around us. Various physical processes have been employed over the last years for such …

Cosmic ray tracking to monitor the stability of historical buildings: a feasibility study

G Bonomi, M Caccia, A Donzella… - Measurement …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
A cosmic ray muon detection system is proposed for stability monitoring in the field of civil
engineering, in particular for the static monitoring of historical buildings, where conservation …

Historical building stability monitoring by means of a cosmic ray tracking system

A Zenoni - … 4th International Conference on Advancements in …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cosmic ray radiation is mostly composed, at sea level, by high energy muons, which are
highly penetrating particles capable of crossing kilometers of rock. The ubiquitous and …

Imaging technology based on the interaction between muon and material

SY Luo, WC **ao, L He, HF Zhang, XD Wang - Nuclear and Particle …, 2024 - Elsevier
Muon imaging technology, as an emerging detection method, is widely used in various
fields. Muons can be classified into cosmic ray muons and accelerator muons based on their …

[PDF][PDF] PoS (EPS-HEP2017) 609 Progress in muon tomography

G Bonomi - 2017 - inspirehep.net
The Earth is hit continuously by particles that come from the space. They are generically
called primary cosmic rays. When they interact with the atmosphere, they undergo reactions …

Proof of concept as a multidisciplinary design-based approach

D Paderno, I Bodini, V Villa - Design Tools and Methods in Industrial …, 2020 - Springer
This work deals with the description of the activities developed in the PoC-BS laboratory. In
particular, it is proposed first to provide a multidisciplinary definition of Proof of Concept-PoC …

[KNJIGA][B] Messaggeri dal cosmo

F Riggi - 2024 - Springer
Tutti i settori dell'indagine scientifica si presentano, specie agli occhi di chi è direttamente
coinvolto in quell'attività, come un'appassionante avventura. Se cercassimo la definizione di …

Design and validation of a block-on-ring test bench

D Paderno, I Bodini, G Baronio, S Uberti… - … Conference on Design …, 2021 - Springer
According to the activities carried out within the Proof of Concept laboratory, a machine for
block-on-ring wear tests was designed and realized. Consistent with the approach of the …

[HTML][HTML] Muon Tracker with Unsegmented Plastic Scintillator Panels

A Cashion, G Cieslewski, A Foris, J Su… - The Journal of Science …, 2021 - josam.org
A muon tracker was developed using three polyvinyl toluene scintillator panels instrumented
with photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) mounted at the corners. Panels are mounted in parallel on …