[HTML][HTML] Quantification of carbon in forest necromass: State of the art
Necromass play a significant ecological function, including the deposition of organic matter,
which is essential for carbon cycling in forest ecosystems. Despite the devoted attention to …
which is essential for carbon cycling in forest ecosystems. Despite the devoted attention to …
Reanalysis of NOAA H observations: implications for the H budget
F Paulot, G Pétron, AM Crotwell… - … Chemistry and Physics, 2024 - acp.copernicus.org
Hydrogen (H 2) is a promising low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels for many applications.
However, significant gaps in our understanding of the atmospheric H 2 budget limit our …
However, significant gaps in our understanding of the atmospheric H 2 budget limit our …
[HTML][HTML] Diverging responses of high-latitude and emissions in idealized climate change scenarios
The present study investigates the response of the high-latitude carbon cycle to changes in
atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in idealized climate change scenarios …
atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in idealized climate change scenarios …
Methodological uncertainties in estimating carbon storage in temperate forests and grasslands
Carbon sequestration is an essential ecosystem service (ES) for climate change mitigation.
For reasons of simplicity this ES is often quantified considering carbon storage in four …
For reasons of simplicity this ES is often quantified considering carbon storage in four …
Carbon stock increase during post-agricultural succession in central France: no change of the superficial soil stock and high variability within forest stages
M Weissgerber, L Chanteloup, A Bonis - New Forests, 2024 - Springer
Forest development following agricultural abandonment concerns extensive areas including
the Massif Central region of France where this study was undertaken. This land-use and …
the Massif Central region of France where this study was undertaken. This land-use and …
Restoration thinning in a drought‐prone Idaho forest creates a persistent carbon deficit
Western US forests represent a carbon sink that contributes to meeting regional and global
greenhouse gas targets. Forest thinning is being implemented as a strategy for reducing …
greenhouse gas targets. Forest thinning is being implemented as a strategy for reducing …
Long-term impacts of silvicultural treatments on wildland fuels and modeled fire behavior in the Ridge and Valley Province, Virginia (USA)
Active forest management operations, such as regeneration harvests, can reduce hazardous
fuel loads and alter fuel structure, potentially minimizing extreme wildfire conditions while …
fuel loads and alter fuel structure, potentially minimizing extreme wildfire conditions while …
Shift of the ecosystem nitrogen cycle from open to closed within a century along a glacial retreat chronosequence at Mount Gongga, southwest China
Aims To improve our understanding of N cycle development during primary succession after
glacial retreat, we (i) assessed the role of biological N2 fixation,(ii) determined gross …
glacial retreat, we (i) assessed the role of biological N2 fixation,(ii) determined gross …
¿ Es sustentable el aprovechamiento de tierra de hoja en bosques de encino?
HD Mantero-García, A Gómez-Guerrero… - Madera y …, 2019 - scielo.org.mx
Se investigó si el esquema actual con el que se realiza el aprovechamiento de tierra de
hoja es sustentable. Con este fin se evaluó la producción de hojarasca en un bosque de …
hoja es sustentable. Con este fin se evaluó la producción de hojarasca en un bosque de …
Forest floor fuel loads in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) forests
N Bakšić, D Bakšić - Šumarski list, 2023 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Primjena novijih metoda dal**skih istraživanja, kao što su zračno i terestričko
skeniranje lidarom te primjena „Structure-from-motion “(SfM) fotogrametrije nadopunila je …
skeniranje lidarom te primjena „Structure-from-motion “(SfM) fotogrametrije nadopunila je …