Freshwater and its role in the Arctic Marine System: Sources, disposition, storage, export, and physical and biogeochemical consequences in the Arctic and global …
Abstract The Arctic Ocean is a fundamental node in the global hydrological cycle and the
ocean's thermohaline circulation. We here assess the system's key functions and …
ocean's thermohaline circulation. We here assess the system's key functions and …
Under-ice phytoplankton blooms: Shedding light on the “invisible” part of Arctic primary production
The growth of phytoplankton at high latitudes was generally thought to begin in open waters
of the marginal ice zone once the highly reflective sea ice retreats in spring, solar elevation …
of the marginal ice zone once the highly reflective sea ice retreats in spring, solar elevation …
Evidence suggests potential transformation of the Pacific Arctic ecosystem is underway
The highly productive northern Bering and Chukchi marine shelf ecosystem has long been
dominated by strong seasonality in sea-ice and water temperatures. Extremely warm …
dominated by strong seasonality in sea-ice and water temperatures. Extremely warm …
Borealization of the Arctic Ocean in response to anomalous advection from sub-Arctic seas
An important yet still not well documented aspect of recent changes in the Arctic Ocean is
associated with the advection of anomalous sub-Arctic Atlantic-and Pacific-origin waters and …
associated with the advection of anomalous sub-Arctic Atlantic-and Pacific-origin waters and …
Global and regional drivers of nutrient supply, primary production and CO2 drawdown in the changing Arctic Ocean
The main environmental factors driving spatial patterns, variability and change in primary
production (PP) in the Arctic Ocean are reviewed. While instantaneous PP rates are …
production (PP) in the Arctic Ocean are reviewed. While instantaneous PP rates are …
Ecosystem characteristics and processes facilitating persistent macrobenthic biomass hotspots and associated benthivory in the Pacific Arctic
Abstract The northern Bering and Chukchi Seas are areas in the Pacific Arctic characterized
by high northward advection of Pacific Ocean water, with seasonal variability in sea ice …
by high northward advection of Pacific Ocean water, with seasonal variability in sea ice …
Phytoplankton blooms beneath the sea ice in the Chukchi Sea
Abstract In the Arctic Ocean, phytoplankton blooms on continental shelves are often limited
by light availability, and are therefore thought to be restricted to waters free of sea ice …
by light availability, and are therefore thought to be restricted to waters free of sea ice …
Pan-Arctic Ocean primary production constrained by turbulent nitrate fluxes
Arctic Ocean primary productivity is limited by light and inorganic nutrients. With sea ice
cover declining in recent decades, nitrate limitation has been speculated to become more …
cover declining in recent decades, nitrate limitation has been speculated to become more …
Future Arctic Ocean primary productivity from CMIP5 simulations: Uncertain outcome, but consistent mechanisms
Net Arctic Ocean primary production (PP) is expected to increase over this century, due to
less perennial sea ice and more available light, but could decrease depending on changes …
less perennial sea ice and more available light, but could decrease depending on changes …
Physical constrains and productivity in the future Arctic Ocean
D Slagstad, PFJ Wassmann, I Ellingsen - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2015 -
Today's physical oceanography and primary and secondary production was investigated for
the entire Arctic Ocean (AO) with the physical-biologically coupled SINMOD model. To …
the entire Arctic Ocean (AO) with the physical-biologically coupled SINMOD model. To …