Multi-task learning in natural language processing: An overview
Deep learning approaches have achieved great success in the field of Natural Language
Processing (NLP). However, directly training deep neural models often suffer from overfitting …
Processing (NLP). However, directly training deep neural models often suffer from overfitting …
A survey of joint intent detection and slot filling models in natural language understanding
Intent classification, to identify the speaker's intention, and slot filling, to label each token
with a semantic type, are critical tasks in natural language understanding. Traditionally the …
with a semantic type, are critical tasks in natural language understanding. Traditionally the …
BMT-Net: Broad multitask transformer network for sentiment analysis
Sentiment analysis uses a series of automated cognitive methods to determine the author's
or speaker's attitudes toward an expressed object or text's overall emotional tendencies. In …
or speaker's attitudes toward an expressed object or text's overall emotional tendencies. In …
Addressing the item cold-start problem by attribute-driven active learning
In recommender systems, cold-start issues are situations where no previous events, eg,
ratings, are known for certain users or items. In this paper, we focus on the item cold-start …
ratings, are known for certain users or items. In this paper, we focus on the item cold-start …
Natural language understanding approaches based on joint task of intent detection and slot filling for IoT voice interaction
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) based voice interaction system, as a new artificial
intelligence application, provides a new human–computer interaction mode. The more …
intelligence application, provides a new human–computer interaction mode. The more …
Crossing the conversational chasm: A primer on natural language processing for multilingual task-oriented dialogue systems
In task-oriented dialogue (ToD), a user holds a conversation with an artificial agent with the
aim of completing a concrete task. Although this technology represents one of the central …
aim of completing a concrete task. Although this technology represents one of the central …
Exact-k recommendation via maximal clique optimization
This paper targets to a novel but practical recommendation problem named exact-K
recommendation. It is different from traditional top-K recommendation, as it focuses more on …
recommendation. It is different from traditional top-K recommendation, as it focuses more on …
Cross-lingual dialogue dataset creation via outline-based generation
Multilingual task-oriented dialogue (ToD) facilitates access to services and information for
many (communities of) speakers. Nevertheless, its potential is not fully realized, as current …
many (communities of) speakers. Nevertheless, its potential is not fully realized, as current …
[PDF][PDF] Crossing the conversational chasm: A primer on multilingual task-oriented dialogue systems
Despite the fact that natural language conversations with machines represent one of the
central objectives of AI, and despite the massive increase of research and development …
central objectives of AI, and despite the massive increase of research and development …
A Prompt-Based Hierarchical Pipeline for Cross-Domain Slot Filling
In task-oriented dialogue systems, slot filling aims to identify the semantic slot types of each
token in user utterances. Due to the lack of sufficient supervised data in many scenarios, it is …
token in user utterances. Due to the lack of sufficient supervised data in many scenarios, it is …