DAFA: Dynamic approximate full adders for high area and energy efficiency
As the number of transistors on a chip surface increases, power consumption becomes more
and more a serious concern. A promising solution to bridge the gap between resource …
and more a serious concern. A promising solution to bridge the gap between resource …
CecApprox: Enabling automated combinational equivalence checking for approximate circuits
Approximate circuits have become ubiquitous in error-resilient applications. Given their
widespread use, formal verification of these approximate designs is essential. Recently …
widespread use, formal verification of these approximate designs is essential. Recently …
Polynomial formal verification of approximate adders with constant cutwidth
In the context of digital circuits, formal verification methods have been well-studied to ensure
their functional correctness. However, several verification methods fail to provide an upper …
their functional correctness. However, several verification methods fail to provide an upper …
Polynomial Formal Verification of Multi-Valued Approximate Circuits Within Constant Cutwidth
Ensuring functional correctness is achieved through formal verification. As circuit complexity
increases, limiting the upper bounds for time and space required for verification becomes …
increases, limiting the upper bounds for time and space required for verification becomes …
Correct and Verify—CAV: Exploiting Binary Decision Diagrams to Enable Formal Verification of Approximate Adders With Correct Carry Bits
Approximate adders have received significant attention as they give benefits in power,
performance, and area for error-resilient applications. Due to their ubiquitous use, formal …
performance, and area for error-resilient applications. Due to their ubiquitous use, formal …
[PDF][PDF] Efficient very large-scale integration architecture design of proportionate-type least mean square adaptive filters
(DMPNLMS) algorithm has been proposed. It is the improvised version of the µ-law
proportionate normalized least mean square (MPNLMS) algorithm. The algorithm is realized …
proportionate normalized least mean square (MPNLMS) algorithm. The algorithm is realized …
HOAA: Hybrid Overestimating Approximate Adder for Enhanced Performance Processing Engine
This paper presents the Hybrid Overestimating Approximate Adder designed to enhance the
performance in processing engines, specifically focused on edge-AI applications. A novel …
performance in processing engines, specifically focused on edge-AI applications. A novel …
Hidden Cost of Circuit Design with RFETs
Reconfigurable Field Effect Transistors (RFETs) can be programmed on the fly to behave
either as NMOS or PMOS. Digital circuit designs using RFETs have been shown to benefit …
either as NMOS or PMOS. Digital circuit designs using RFETs have been shown to benefit …
EnR: extend and reduce methodology to enable formal verification of truncated adders
Truncated adders are widely used in applications where using lower bit-width is enough to
generate the desired outputs. Truncated adders give benefits in area, power, and delay as …
generate the desired outputs. Truncated adders give benefits in area, power, and delay as …
An Optimized VLSI Implementation of the Least Mean Square (LMS) Adaptive Filter Architecture on the Basis of Distributed Arithmetic Approach
Adaptive filters find applications in many areas such as echo cancellation in long-distance
telephone networks, linear prediction of the signal in speech and image coding, channel …
telephone networks, linear prediction of the signal in speech and image coding, channel …