[HTML][HTML] Enhancing monitoring and transboundary collaboration for conserving migratory species under global change: The priority case of the red kite
Calls for urgent action to conserve biodiversity under global change are increasing, and
conservation of migratory species in this context poses special challenges. In the last two …
conservation of migratory species in this context poses special challenges. In the last two …
[HTML][HTML] Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale
Human-induced direct mortality affects huge numbers of birds each year, threatening
hundreds of species worldwide. Tracking technologies can be an important tool to …
hundreds of species worldwide. Tracking technologies can be an important tool to …
Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa
Wind turbines and power lines can cause bird mortality due to collision or electrocution. The
biodiversity impacts of energy infrastructure (EI) can be minimised through effective …
biodiversity impacts of energy infrastructure (EI) can be minimised through effective …
Shift in habitat selection during natal dispersal in a long‐lived raptor species
Animals select their habitat along environmental gradients, but the mechanisms that
constrain the ecological requirements of an individual can differ between life stages …
constrain the ecological requirements of an individual can differ between life stages …
Risk of bird electrocution in power lines: a framework for prioritizing species and areas for conservation and impact mitigation
Electrocution on power lines is an important human‐related cause of bird mortality and an
important conservation issue worldwide. Besides impacts on bird populations, electrocutions …
important conservation issue worldwide. Besides impacts on bird populations, electrocutions …
Survival of a small reintroduced griffon vulture population in the Apennines: Insights from Global Positioning System tracking
F Monti, P Serroni, F Rotondaro… - Avian Biology …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Conservation translocations (eg, restocking, reintroductions) represent efficient tools to
prevent the extinction or favouring the return of previously extirpated populations into the …
prevent the extinction or favouring the return of previously extirpated populations into the …
Potential importance of wind patterns and guidance opportunities for the conservation of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Italy
Movement ecology and environmental factors are topics of paramount importance to
consider when planning conservation programmes for target species. Here we discuss this …
consider when planning conservation programmes for target species. Here we discuss this …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the susceptibility of raptor species to electrocution: A framework for Kenya
Develo** countries are witnessing rapid expansion of electrical infrastructure to meet
increasing energy demands, prompting a critical need to assess the potential impact on …
increasing energy demands, prompting a critical need to assess the potential impact on …
Species traits drive long-term population trends of common breeding birds in northern Italy
Simple Summary We assessed population trends for breeding birds in Lombardy (N Italy)
from 1992 to 2019 and investigated the relationships between the observed trends and …
from 1992 to 2019 and investigated the relationships between the observed trends and …
A comprehensive analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of anthropogenic adult mortality of Bonelli's eagles in eastern Spain
Abstract In eastern Spain, Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata) abundance has declined almost
50% in the last 25 years and, consequently, the species is listed as regionally endangered …
50% in the last 25 years and, consequently, the species is listed as regionally endangered …