Tip‐to‐base xylem conduit widening as an adaptation: causes, consequences, and empirical priorities
In the stems of terrestrial vascular plants studied to date, the diameter of xylem water‐
conducting conduits D widens predictably with distance from the stem tip L approximating …
conducting conduits D widens predictably with distance from the stem tip L approximating …
The world from a dog's point of view: a review and synthesis of dog cognition research
Driven by both applied and theoretical goals, scientific interest in canine cognition has
experienced a rapid surge in popularity, especially over the last 15 years. Here we provide …
experienced a rapid surge in popularity, especially over the last 15 years. Here we provide …
Bark functional ecology: evidence for tradeoffs, functional coordination, and environment producing bark diversity
The causes underlying bark diversity are unclear. Variation has been frequently attributed to
environmental differences across sites. However, variation may also result from tradeoffs …
environmental differences across sites. However, variation may also result from tradeoffs …
Xylem vessel‐diameter–shoot‐length scaling: ecological significance of porosity types and other traits
Flowering plants predominantly conduct water in tubes known as vessels, with vessel
diameter playing a crucial role in plant adaptation to climate and reactions to climate …
diameter playing a crucial role in plant adaptation to climate and reactions to climate …
Plant morpho evo-devo
Evo-devo is often thought of as being the study of which genes underlie which phenotypes.
However, evo-devo is much more than this, especially in plant science. In leaf scars along …
However, evo-devo is much more than this, especially in plant science. In leaf scars along …
Bark in woody plants: understanding the diversity of a multifunctional structure
Most biological structures carry out multiple functions. Focusing on only one function to
make adaptive inferences overlooks that manifold selection pressures and tradeoffs shape …
make adaptive inferences overlooks that manifold selection pressures and tradeoffs shape …
Evolution of cranial shape in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona)
Insights into morphological diversification can be obtained from the ways the species of a
clade occupy morphospace. Projecting a phylogeny into morphospace provides estimates of …
clade occupy morphospace. Projecting a phylogeny into morphospace provides estimates of …
Diversity in time and space: wanted dead and alive
Current patterns of biological diversity are influenced by both historical and present-day
factors, yet research in ecology and evolution is largely split between paleontological and …
factors, yet research in ecology and evolution is largely split between paleontological and …
The significance and scope of evolutionary developmental biology: a vision for the 21st century
Evolutionary developmental biology (evo‐devo) has undergone dramatic transformations
since its emergence as a distinct discipline. This paper aims to highlight the scope, power …
since its emergence as a distinct discipline. This paper aims to highlight the scope, power …
Evolution of the vertebrate skeleton: morphology, embryology, and development
Two major skeletal systems—the endoskeleton and exoskeleton—are recognized in
vertebrate evolution. Here, we propose that these two systems are distinguished primarily by …
vertebrate evolution. Here, we propose that these two systems are distinguished primarily by …