Land use and ecological change: A 12,000-year history
EC Ellis - Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 2021 - annualreviews.org
Human use of land has been transforming Earth's ecology for millennia. From hunting and
foraging to burning the land to farming to industrial agriculture, increasingly intensive human …
foraging to burning the land to farming to industrial agriculture, increasingly intensive human …
Land‐use change and biodiversity: Challenges for assembling evidence on the greatest threat to nature
Land‐use change is considered the greatest threat to nature, having caused worldwide
declines in the abundance, diversity, and health of species and ecosystems. Despite …
declines in the abundance, diversity, and health of species and ecosystems. Despite …
Global patterns and determinants of multiple facets of plant diversity
Aim Combining different biodiversity dimensions can reveal new diversity patterns
disclosing the relative roles of historical, environmental and anthropogenic factors in …
disclosing the relative roles of historical, environmental and anthropogenic factors in …
Socioeconomic factors predict population changes of large carnivores better than climate change or habitat loss
Land-use and climate change have been linked to changes in wildlife populations, but the
role of socioeconomic factors in driving declines, and promoting population recoveries …
role of socioeconomic factors in driving declines, and promoting population recoveries …
Potential sources of time lags in calibrating species distribution models
The Anthropocene is characterized by a rapid pace of environmental change and is causing
a multitude of biotic responses, including those that affect the spatial distribution of species …
a multitude of biotic responses, including those that affect the spatial distribution of species …
Where wolves were: setting historical baselines for wolf recovery in Spain
M Clavero, A García‐Reyes… - Animal …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Reference conditions are necessary to assess the conservation status of species,
understand their declines, and manage their recovery. Historical documents offer large …
understand their declines, and manage their recovery. Historical documents offer large …
[HTML][HTML] Potential biodiversity map of bird species (Passeriformes): Analyses of ecological niche, environmental characterization and identification of priority …
Different methodologies try to identify priority conservation areas (PCA) to improve habitat
conservation and decrease human pressures over bird species at coarse-scale. Map of …
conservation and decrease human pressures over bird species at coarse-scale. Map of …
The recent Asian elephant range expansion in Yunnan, China, is associated with climate change and enforced protection efforts in human-dominated landscapes
Recently, the northward movement of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Yunnan,
China, has attracted international attention. Climate change or human disturbances have …
China, has attracted international attention. Climate change or human disturbances have …
Socio-ecological gap analysis to forecast species range contractions for conservation
Conservation requires both a needs assessment and prioritization scheme for planning and
implementation. Range maps are critical for understanding and conserving biodiversity, but …
implementation. Range maps are critical for understanding and conserving biodiversity, but …
Current climate, but also long‐term climate changes and human impacts, determine the geographic distribution of European mammal diversity
Aim Historical climate variations, current climate and human impacts are known to influence
current species richness, but their effects on phylogenetic and trait diversity have been …
current species richness, but their effects on phylogenetic and trait diversity have been …