[HTML][HTML] 面向知识图谱的知识推理研究进展

官赛萍, 靳小龙, 贾岩涛, 王元卓, 程学旗 - 软件学报, 2018 - html.rhhz.net
**年来, 随着互联网技术和应用模式的迅猛发展, 引发了互联网数据规模的爆炸式增长,
其中包含大量有价值的知识. 如何组织和表达这些知识, 并对其进行深入计算和分析备受关注 …

Ontology-mediated query answering with data-tractable description logics

M Bienvenu, M Ortiz - Reasoning Web. Web Logic Rules: 11th …, 2015 - Springer
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in ontology-mediated query answering, in
which the semantic knowledge provided by an ontology is exploited when querying data …

Faceted search over RDF-based knowledge graphs

M Arenas, BC Grau, E Kharlamov, Š Marciuška… - Journal of Web …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Knowledge graphs such as Yago and Freebase have become a powerful asset for
enhancing search, and are being intensively used in both academia and industry. Many …

BootOX: Practical Map** of RDBs to OWL 2

E Jiménez-Ruiz, E Kharlamov, D Zheleznyakov… - The Semantic Web …, 2015 - Springer
Ontologies have recently became a popular mechanism to expose relational database
(RDBs) due to their ability to describe the domain of data in terms of classes and properties …

The OWL reasoner evaluation (ORE) 2015 competition report

B Parsia, N Matentzoglu, RS Gonçalves… - Journal of Automated …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The OWL Reasoner Evaluation competition is an annual competition (with an
associated workshop) that pits OWL 2 compliant reasoners against each other on various …

Deep learning-based reasoning with multi-ontology for IoT applications

J Liu, X Zhang, Y Li, J Wang, HJ Kim - Ieee Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the era of mobile big data, data driven intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) applications are
becoming widespread, and knowledge-based reasoning is one of the essential tasks of …

Module extraction in expressive ontology languages via datalog reasoning

AA Romero, M Kaminski, BC Grau, I Horrocks - Journal of Artificial …, 2016 - jair.org
Module extraction is the task of computing a (preferably small) fragment M of an ontology O
that preserves a class of entailments over a signature of interest Σ. Extracting modules of …

PAGOdA: Pay-as-you-go ontology query answering using a datalog reasoner

Y Zhou, BC Grau, Y Nenov, M Kaminski… - Journal of Artificial …, 2015 - jair.org
Answering conjunctive queries over ontology-enriched datasets is a core reasoning task for
many applications. Query answering is, however, computationally very expensive, which …

[HTML][HTML] Datalog rewritability of Disjunctive Datalog programs and non-Horn ontologies

M Kaminski, Y Nenov, BC Grau - Artificial Intelligence, 2016 - Elsevier
We study the problem of rewriting a Disjunctive Datalog program into an equivalent plain
Datalog program (ie, one that entails the same facts for every dataset). We show that a …

High quality information extraction and query-oriented summarization for automatic query-reply in social network

M Peng, B Gao, J Zhu, J Huang, M Yuan, F Li - Expert Systems with …, 2016 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose a new method for automatic query-reply in social network.
Information extraction and query-oriented summarization method are applied here to reply …