Mind your inflections! Improving NLP for non-standard Englishes with Base-Inflection Encoding
Inflectional variation is a common feature of World Englishes such as Colloquial Singapore
English and African American Vernacular English. Although comprehension by human …
English and African American Vernacular English. Although comprehension by human …
Scope is all you need: Transforming LLMs for HPC Code
With easier access to powerful compute resources, there is a growing trend in the field of AI
for software development to develop larger and larger language models (LLMs) to address a …
for software development to develop larger and larger language models (LLMs) to address a …
Morphological analysis and disambiguation for Gulf Arabic: The interplay between resources and methods
In this paper we present the first full morphological analysis and disambiguation system for
Gulf Arabic. We use an existing state-of-the-art morphological disambiguation system to …
Gulf Arabic. We use an existing state-of-the-art morphological disambiguation system to …
The paradigm discovery problem
This work treats the paradigm discovery problem (PDP), the task of learning an inflectional
morphological system from unannotated sentences. We formalize the PDP and develop …
morphological system from unannotated sentences. We formalize the PDP and develop …
Towards learning Arabic morphophonology
One core challenge facing morphological inflection systems is capturing language-specific
morphophonological changes. This is particularly true of languages like Arabic which are …
morphophonological changes. This is particularly true of languages like Arabic which are …
Towards robust complexity indices in linguistic typology: A corpus-based assessment
There is high hope that corpus-based approaches to language complexity will contribute to
explaining linguistic diversity. Several complexity indices have consequently been proposed …
explaining linguistic diversity. Several complexity indices have consequently been proposed …
Deep Active Learning for Morphophonological Processing
Building a system for morphological processing is a challenging task in morphologically
complex languages like Arabic. Although there are some deep learning based models that …
complex languages like Arabic. Although there are some deep learning based models that …
Improving POS tagging for Arabic dialects on out-of-domain texts
We investigate part of speech tagging for four Arabic dialects (Gulf, Levantine, Egyptian, and
Maghrebi), in an out-of-domain setting. More specifically, we look at the effectiveness of 1) …
Maghrebi), in an out-of-domain setting. More specifically, we look at the effectiveness of 1) …
Unsupervised Arabic dialect segmentation for machine translation
Resource-limited and morphologically rich languages pose many challenges to natural
language processing tasks. Their highly inflected surface forms inflate the vocabulary size …
language processing tasks. Their highly inflected surface forms inflate the vocabulary size …
Analysis of subword based word representations case study: Fasttext Malayalam
Representation learning has played a crucial role in various natural language processing
tasks since the advent of deep neural networks. Recent research shows that word …
tasks since the advent of deep neural networks. Recent research shows that word …