Integrating remote sensing and indigenous archaeology to locate unmarked graves: A case study from northern Alberta, Canada
Archaeologists have long been called on to use geophysical techniques to locate unmarked
graves in both archaeological and forensic contexts. Although these techniques—primarily …
graves in both archaeological and forensic contexts. Although these techniques—primarily …
The Roman city of Altinum, Venice Lagoon, from remote sensing and geophysical prospection
Geophysical prospection on 14 ha integrates the processing and interpretation of vertical
multispectral and oblique aerial images for uncovering the archaeology of the Roman city of …
multispectral and oblique aerial images for uncovering the archaeology of the Roman city of …
Building bundles, building memories: processes of remembering in Adena-Hopewell societies of eastern North America
ER Henry - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2017 - Springer
Over the past 20 years, archaeologists have grown increasingly interested in exploring the
relationships between humans and things. In part, this focus on materiality has been fueled …
relationships between humans and things. In part, this focus on materiality has been fueled …
Map** the Adena-Hopewell landscape in the Middle Ohio Valley, USA: multi-scalar approaches to LiDAR-derived imagery from Central Kentucky
ER Henry, CR Shields, TR Kidder - Journal of Archaeological Method and …, 2019 - Springer
Archaeologists around the world have shown that LiDAR has the potential to map a wide
range of architectural features built by humans. The ability to map archaeological sites at a …
range of architectural features built by humans. The ability to map archaeological sites at a …
Local and “global” perspectives on the Middle Woodland Southeast
AP Wright - Journal of Archaeological Research, 2017 - Springer
Abstract During the Middle Woodland period, from 200 BC to AD 600, southeastern societies
erected monuments, interacted widely, and produced some of the most striking material …
erected monuments, interacted widely, and produced some of the most striking material …
[HTML][HTML] Object-based image analysis of ground-penetrating radar data for archaic hearths
Object-based image analysis (OBIA) has been increasingly used to identify terrain features
of archaeological sites, but only recently to extract subsurface archaeological features from …
of archaeological sites, but only recently to extract subsurface archaeological features from …
History, monumentality, and interaction in the Appalachian Summit Middle Woodland
AP Wright - American Antiquity, 2014 -
The Middle Woodland period in eastern North America witnessed a florescence of
monumental architecture and material exchange linked to widespread networks of ritual …
monumental architecture and material exchange linked to widespread networks of ritual …
Shifting communities: demographic profiles of early village population growth and decline in the central American Bottom
CR Barrier, TJ Horsley - American Antiquity, 2014 -
The growth and decline of large village communities is a topic of considerable interest for
archaeologists studying the development of complex regional polities. In this article …
archaeologists studying the development of complex regional polities. In this article …
Private property, public archaeology: Resident communities as stakeholders in American archaeology
AP Wright - World Archaeology, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract In the United States, archaeological sites on private lands have few legal
protections, and are thus at risk of damage or destruction. To alleviate these risks …
protections, and are thus at risk of damage or destruction. To alleviate these risks …
[HTML][HTML] Beyond Never-Never Land: Integrating LiDAR and Geophysical Surveys at the Johnston Site, Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park, Tennessee, USA
Archaeologists often use near-surface geophysics or LiDAR-derived topographic imagery in
their research. However, rarely are the two integrated in a way that offers a robust …
their research. However, rarely are the two integrated in a way that offers a robust …