[HTML][HTML] Natural language processing applied to tourism research: A systematic review and future research directions
The social networks and the rapid development of new technologies have led to
considerable changes in the tourism industry. Artificial intelligence, in particular natural …
considerable changes in the tourism industry. Artificial intelligence, in particular natural …
Studying online travel reviews related to tourist attractions using nlp methods: the case of guanajuato, mexico
R Guerrero-Rodriguez… - Current issues in …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This research's main objective is to analyse Online Travel Reviews (OTRs) related to tourist
attractions aiming at identifying recurring discussion topics/themes to infer whether travellers …
attractions aiming at identifying recurring discussion topics/themes to infer whether travellers …
Overview of rest-mex at iberlef 2022: Recommendation system, sentiment analysis and covid semaphore prediction for mexican tourist texts
This paper presents the framework and results from the Rest-Mex task at IberLEF 2022. This
task considered three tracks: Recommendation System, Sentiment Analysis and Covid …
task considered three tracks: Recommendation System, Sentiment Analysis and Covid …
Overview of rest-mex at iberlef 2023: Research on sentiment analysis task for mexican tourist texts
This paper presents the framework and results of the Rest-Mex task at IberLEF 2023,
focusing on sentiment analysis and text clustering of tourist texts. The study primarily focuses …
focusing on sentiment analysis and text clustering of tourist texts. The study primarily focuses …
Classifying the mexican epidemiological semaphore colour from the covid-19 text spanish news
This work aims to generate classification models that help determine the colour of an
epidemiological semaphore (ES) by analysing online news and being better prepared for …
epidemiological semaphore (ES) by analysing online news and being better prepared for …
[HTML][HTML] A combination of sentiment analysis systems for the study of online travel reviews: Many heads are better than one
This study presents an analysis of the Rest-Mex forum task 2021, which is the first
international evaluation event using tourism-related (Online Travels Reviews-OTRs) data …
international evaluation event using tourism-related (Online Travels Reviews-OTRs) data …
What does the media tell us about a destination? the cancun case, seen from the usa, canada, and mexico
Purpose This study aims to present a framework for automatically collecting, cleaning and
analyzing text (news articles, in this case) to provide valuable decision-making information …
analyzing text (news articles, in this case) to provide valuable decision-making information …
Analysis of systems' performance in natural language processing competitions
Collaborative competitions have gained popularity in the scientific and technological fields.
These competitions involve defining tasks, selecting evaluation scores, and devising result …
These competitions involve defining tasks, selecting evaluation scores, and devising result …
Experimenting with ud adaptation of an unsupervised rule-based approach for sentiment analysis of mexican tourist texts
This paper summarizes the results of experimenting with Universal Dependencies (UD)
adaptation of an Unsupervised, Compositional and Recursive (UCR) rule-based approach …
adaptation of an Unsupervised, Compositional and Recursive (UCR) rule-based approach …
[PDF][PDF] Bert-based Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Spanish Reviews from TripAdvisor.
This paper presents our approach to the Sentiment Analysis Task at REST-MEX 2021. The
goal of the task is to predict the polarity of opinions on Mexican tourist sites. Recent …
goal of the task is to predict the polarity of opinions on Mexican tourist sites. Recent …