Multimodal interfaces

S Oviatt - The human-computer interaction handbook, 2007 -
More recent multimodal systems have moved away from processing simple mouse or
touchpad pointing, and have begun designing systems based on two parallel input streams …

Multi-touch tables and the relationship with collaborative classroom pedagogies: A synthetic review

SE Higgins, E Mercier, E Burd, A Hatch - International Journal of Computer …, 2011 - Springer
This article reviews the research and evidence about multi-touch tables to provide an
analysis of their key design features and capabilities and how these might relate to their use …

Multi-finger gestures

KP Hinckley, K Yatani - US Patent 9,965,165, 2018 - Google Patents
Bezel gestures for touch displays are described. In at least some embodiments, the bezel of
a device is used to extend functionality that is accessible through the use of so-called bezel …

It is your turn: Collaborative ideation with a co-creative robot through sketch

Y Lin, J Guo, Y Chen, C Yao, F Ying - … of the 2020 CHI conference on …, 2020 -
Co-creative systems have been widely explored in the field of computational creativity.
However, existing AI partners of these systems are mostly virtual agents. As sketching on …

Multi-screen synchronous slide gesture

KP Hinckley, K Yatani - US Patent 8,751,970, 2014 - Google Patents
4,686,332 A 8/1987 Greanias 4,843,538 A 6/1989 Lane et a1. 5,231,578 A 7/1993 Levin et
a1. 5,237,647 A 8/1993 Roberts et a1. 5,351,995 A 10/1994 Booker et al. 5,463,725 A …

Page manipulations using on and off-screen gestures

KP Hinckley, K Yatani - US Patent 8,799,827, 2014 - Google Patents
Bezel gestures for touch displays are described. In at least some embodiments, the bezel of
a device is used to extend functionality that is accessible through the use of so-called bezel …

Pen+ touch= new tools

K Hinckley, K Yatani, M Pahud, N Coddington… - Proceedings of the …, 2010 -
We describe techniques for direct pen+ touch input. We observe people's manual behaviors
with physical paper and notebooks. These serve as the foundation for a prototype Microsoft …

A handle bar metaphor for virtual object manipulation with mid-air interaction

P Song, WB Goh, W Hutama, CW Fu, X Liu - Proceedings of the SIGCHI …, 2012 -
Commercial 3D scene acquisition systems such as the Microsoft Kinect sensor can reduce
the cost barrier of realizing mid-air interaction. However, since it can only sense hand …

Iteratively designing gesture vocabularies: A survey and analysis of best practices in the HCI literature

H **a, M Glueck, M Annett, M Wang… - ACM Transactions on …, 2022 -
Gestural interaction has evolved from a set of novel interaction techniques developed in
research labs, to a dominant interaction modality used by millions of users everyday …

Touch pull-in gesture

W Wilairat - US Patent 8,836,648, 2014 - Google Patents
4,686,332 A 8, 1987 Greanias et al. 4,823,283 A 4, 1989 Diehmet al. 4,843,538 A 6, 1989
Lane et al. 5,045,997 A 9, 1991 Watanabe 5,046,001 A 9, 1991 Barker et al. 5,189,732 A …