Investigation of fatigue crack growth in engineering components containing different types of material irregularities by XFEM
The extended finite element (XFEM) has been applied to investigate fatigue crack growth in
engineering components containing different types of material irregularities. The standard …
engineering components containing different types of material irregularities. The standard …
Probabilistic models applied to safety assessment of reinforced concrete structures subjected to chloride ingress
This paper addresses the analysis of probabilistic corrosion time initiation in reinforced
concrete structures exposed to chloride penetration. Structural durability is an important …
concrete structures exposed to chloride penetration. Structural durability is an important …
Investigating the Influence of Holes as Crack Arrestors in Simulating Crack Growth Behavior Using Finite Element Method
The primary focus of this paper is to investigate the application of ANSYS Workbench 19.2
software's advanced feature, known as Separating Morphing and Adaptive Remeshing …
software's advanced feature, known as Separating Morphing and Adaptive Remeshing …
Probabilistic life assessment on fatigue crack growth in mixed-mode by coupling of Kriging model and finite element analysis
W He, J Liu, D **e - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015 - Elsevier
It is necessary to manage the fatigue crack growth (FCG) of engineering structures for
ensuring an appropriate reliability level over the entire operational lifetime. This paper deals …
ensuring an appropriate reliability level over the entire operational lifetime. This paper deals …
Improved cohesive stress integration schemes for cohesive zone elements
In this paper, several improved stress integration schemes based on Gaussian integration
(GI) method and Newton–Cotes integration (NCI) method are presented and demonstrated …
(GI) method and Newton–Cotes integration (NCI) method are presented and demonstrated …
Cohesive crack growth modelling based on an alternative nonlinear BEM formulation
Fracture mechanics and crack propagation problems have been widely studied by the
scientific community in recent years, because crack growth phenomenon can explain the …
scientific community in recent years, because crack growth phenomenon can explain the …
[HTML][HTML] Reliability analysis of fatigue crack growth in shallow shell structures using the Dual Boundary Element Method
This work presents a novel methodology for fatigue life reliability analysis using a newly
developed Dual Boundary Element Method-based Implicit Differentiation Method (DBEM …
developed Dual Boundary Element Method-based Implicit Differentiation Method (DBEM …
A new kriging-based learning function for reliability analysis and its application to fatigue crack reliability
X Chai, Z Sun, J Wang, Y Zhang, Z Yu - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In order to solve the problems in fatigue reliability analysis of mechanical components, a
new learning function based on the Kriging model is proposed. In the process of fatigue …
new learning function based on the Kriging model is proposed. In the process of fatigue …
[HTML][HTML] An improved computational framework based on the dual boundary element method for three-dimensional mixed-mode crack propagation analyses
This study presents an improved computational framework based on the Dual Boundary
Element Method (DBEM) for modelling three-dimensional mixed-mode fatigue crack …
Element Method (DBEM) for modelling three-dimensional mixed-mode fatigue crack …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of the inclined edge notches on the shear-fracture behavior in edge-notched beam specimens
H Haeri - Comput. Concrete, 2015 - researchgate.net
A coupled experimental and numerical study of shear fracture in the edge-notched beam
specimens of quasi-brittle materials (concrete-like materials) are carried out using four point …
specimens of quasi-brittle materials (concrete-like materials) are carried out using four point …