Investigation of fatigue crack growth in engineering components containing different types of material irregularities by XFEM

SA Kanth, GA Harmain, A Jameel - Mechanics of Advanced …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The extended finite element (XFEM) has been applied to investigate fatigue crack growth in
engineering components containing different types of material irregularities. The standard …

Probabilistic models applied to safety assessment of reinforced concrete structures subjected to chloride ingress

CG Nogueira, ED Leonel - Engineering Failure Analysis, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the analysis of probabilistic corrosion time initiation in reinforced
concrete structures exposed to chloride penetration. Structural durability is an important …

Investigating the Influence of Holes as Crack Arrestors in Simulating Crack Growth Behavior Using Finite Element Method

YA Fageehi, AM Alshoaibi - Applied Sciences, 2024 -
The primary focus of this paper is to investigate the application of ANSYS Workbench 19.2
software's advanced feature, known as Separating Morphing and Adaptive Remeshing …

Probabilistic life assessment on fatigue crack growth in mixed-mode by coupling of Kriging model and finite element analysis

W He, J Liu, D **e - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015 - Elsevier
It is necessary to manage the fatigue crack growth (FCG) of engineering structures for
ensuring an appropriate reliability level over the entire operational lifetime. This paper deals …

Improved cohesive stress integration schemes for cohesive zone elements

BC Do, W Liu, QD Yang, XY Su - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper, several improved stress integration schemes based on Gaussian integration
(GI) method and Newton–Cotes integration (NCI) method are presented and demonstrated …

Cohesive crack growth modelling based on an alternative nonlinear BEM formulation

HL Oliveira, ED Leonel - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013 - Elsevier
Fracture mechanics and crack propagation problems have been widely studied by the
scientific community in recent years, because crack growth phenomenon can explain the …

[HTML][HTML] Reliability analysis of fatigue crack growth in shallow shell structures using the Dual Boundary Element Method

M Zhuang, L Morse, ZS Khodaei… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2024 - Elsevier
This work presents a novel methodology for fatigue life reliability analysis using a newly
developed Dual Boundary Element Method-based Implicit Differentiation Method (DBEM …

A new kriging-based learning function for reliability analysis and its application to fatigue crack reliability

X Chai, Z Sun, J Wang, Y Zhang, Z Yu - IEEE Access, 2019 -
In order to solve the problems in fatigue reliability analysis of mechanical components, a
new learning function based on the Kriging model is proposed. In the process of fatigue …

[HTML][HTML] An improved computational framework based on the dual boundary element method for three-dimensional mixed-mode crack propagation analyses

SGF Cordeiro, ED Leonel - Advances in Engineering Software, 2019 - Elsevier
This study presents an improved computational framework based on the Dual Boundary
Element Method (DBEM) for modelling three-dimensional mixed-mode fatigue crack …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of the inclined edge notches on the shear-fracture behavior in edge-notched beam specimens

H Haeri - Comput. Concrete, 2015 -
A coupled experimental and numerical study of shear fracture in the edge-notched beam
specimens of quasi-brittle materials (concrete-like materials) are carried out using four point …