[HTML][HTML] Intelligent packaging for real-time monitoring of food-quality: Current and future developments
Food packaging encompasses the topical role of preserving food, hence, extending the shelf-
life, while ensuring the highest quality and safety along the production chain as well as …
life, while ensuring the highest quality and safety along the production chain as well as …
An overview of smart packaging technologies for monitoring safety and quality of meat and meat products
I Ahmed, H Lin, L Zou, Z Li, AL Brody… - Packaging …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The food packaging sector has experienced much development since its inception. In the
past few decades, innovations in packaging sector have led to the development of smart …
past few decades, innovations in packaging sector have led to the development of smart …
[HTML][HTML] Bio-waste valorisation: Agricultural wastes as biosorbents for removal of (in) organic pollutants in wastewater treatment
The conventional waste management practices dispose or incinerate agricultural and
forestry waste, contributing to the environmental pollution while misusing biomass, a …
forestry waste, contributing to the environmental pollution while misusing biomass, a …
Food cold chain management improvement: A conjoint analysis on COVID-19 and food cold chain systems
Cold chains are effective in maintaining food quality and reducing food losses, especially for
long-distance international food commerce. Several recent reports have demonstrated that …
long-distance international food commerce. Several recent reports have demonstrated that …
Current sustainable solutions for extending the shelf life of meat and marine products in the packaging process
Increased awareness of environmental sustainability has led to a call for actions by
producers, scientists, and consumers towards current challenges in the agri-food sector. In …
producers, scientists, and consumers towards current challenges in the agri-food sector. In …
Preparation of on-package halochromic freshness/spoilage nanocellulose label for the visual shelf life estimation of meat
E Taherkhani, M Moradi, H Tajik, R Molaei… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this work, grape anthocyanins (GA) were embedded in bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) by
ex-situ method to fabricate an easy-to-use colorimetric label. The label revealed visible color …
ex-situ method to fabricate an easy-to-use colorimetric label. The label revealed visible color …
Development of colorimetric/Fluorescent two-channel intelligent response labels to monitor shrimp freshness
Z Yang, F Tong, Z Peng, L Wang, L Zhu, W Jiang… - Food …, 2023 - Elsevier
This study developed a colorimetric/fluorescent dual-channel intelligent label for real-time
and visual monitoring of shrimp freshness by using the betanin (BET) and fluorescein …
and visual monitoring of shrimp freshness by using the betanin (BET) and fluorescein …
Effects of glycerol and PVA on gelatin/gum Arabic aerogels: Microstructure, mechanical properties, and applications for food monitoring
B Li, M Chen, Y Wu, B Liu, G Huang - Food Hydrocolloids, 2024 - Elsevier
Smart labels are a hot research topic in the field of food science, but the low sensitivity of film
smart labels limits the on-site and visual detection of seafood freshness. To address these …
smart labels limits the on-site and visual detection of seafood freshness. To address these …
Consumers' purchase decision in the context of western imported food products: Empirical evidence from Pakistan
It is essential to identify consumer purchase behavior to establish and implement effective
marketing strategies by Western food chains in Pakistan. By identifying motives, firms can …
marketing strategies by Western food chains in Pakistan. By identifying motives, firms can …
[HTML][HTML] Digital twins for selecting the optimal ventilated strawberry packaging based on the unique hygrothermal conditions of a shipment from farm to retailer
Berries are one of the most challenging products to preserve after harvest due to their high
perishability and short shelf life. Ventilated packaging plays a key role in maintaining fruit …
perishability and short shelf life. Ventilated packaging plays a key role in maintaining fruit …